My Mcsex Tank

Spencer Pike

Fish Fanatic
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
How do you guys like my tank. It has (1) Blackskirt Tetra, (2) Rosie Barbs, (2) Gold Barbs, (3) Neon Tetras, (1) Glass catfish, and (3) Glowlight Rasboras. The pictures are kinda bad because my cameras crapy. Rate on a scale from 1-10 and explain why you like or dis-like my tank. Thank You!

My 20 gallon tank

My Cherry Barb

My Neon Tetras

My Glass Catfish

And last but not least My Glowlight Rasboras
The tank, what I can see of it, looks fine but your rosy barb is a cherry barb.
It's a shame you have so many shoaling species without having a decent shoal of any but the fish look healthy for now and are not overstocked so 6/10

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