My Marine Or Tropical Tank Has To Go!

Dec 26, 2010
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Well my other half is expecting our second which is due in dec and she has kindly told me this early down the line that that thier simply won't be enough space in the lounge for the marine tank once little wood'let makes an appearance. As my trop is in the kitchen it would be an absolute pain to transport the trop to my old man's house to look after which I know won't be a prob as he's an old skool trop fish keeper ( He Swears by UGF's) and then move the marine to the kitchen out the way.

Or just transport the marine directly to my old man's and throw him in the deep end when it comes to looking after a salty environment which would be easier as it means either way I'd have to drain the tank with just enough left to keep the substrate immersed in water, remove all the coral, LR, fish and inverts and bag/box em all up and seems like just too much work just to move the tank to the kitchen so it looks like my old man might be inheriting a salty box like I did!

I suppose I'd still have to look after it for him until he gets the hang of it but if he has my trip tank instead I know I ain't gotta worry.

This move is only a tempory one for say around a few months until the little un grows out of his Moses, cot etc but as the old saying goes "out of sight, out of mind" which would mean completely forgetting about the one tank and just end up letting him keep it permanently.

The biggest bummer is that my tank is only just starting to look like a decent reef setup (I hope) and I have more coral arriving in a few days to finish off my MINI, mini reef.

Sorry about this thread but i Just thought I'd share my pain with you all!
Mate I would swap either, or both of my tanks for another child. I envy your position.

Just re read this and it looks like I'm having a pop, it's not meant at all nastily its just a philosophical answer. Keeping your marine is definitely the right choice something to stare into whilst drowning out the screaming.
Mate I would swap either, or both of my tanks for another child. I envy your position.

Just re read this and it looks like I'm having a pop, it's not meant at all nastily its just a philosophical answer. Keeping your marine is definitely the right choice something to stare into whilst drowning out the screaming.

No worries mate. Don't worry I'm just as excited as my wife about having another one as we lost a baby last year while we was on holiday so that makes this one extra special if you know what I mean. It looks like however that my marine will be the one I part with simply because it's alot less work just to move it straight to old man's than it would to be to move the trop tank and cabinet and then move the marine into the kitchen. Plus my trop is smaller and is tucked out the way in the kitchen where as my marine stands out like a sore thumb. (but a pretty one!)

I guess Ive got 6 months to combine my wife to keep them both.

I could always buy a float of some sort to sit on the water surface of the tank and use that for the baby to lye on. It will have something to stare at plus the heater will keep him warm! Lol

Yes, I am joking!
tbh after all the hard work u done id keep the marine its not that much work to move if stayin in same house and be eayer for your dad to have trop

on the baby front congrats mate i have a 9 month old and love every min but we lost 1 the year before :( so i no what u must be feeling but at the end of the day you got to do what ever will make your life easyer but will your dad havin marine and you havin to go there to do bits make life easyer ?

As you know we are expecting our first as of last week, it's gotta be a girl!! Well looking foward to it but I have learnt a few tricks to use for child + critters.

Just remind your partner how occupying all the fast moving color Is to an infant :)
No worries mate. Don't worry I'm just as excited as my wife about having another one as we lost a baby last year while we was on holiday so that makes this one extra special if you know what I mean.

Yes mate I know how that feels. Never even thought my wife could have kids after her having Cervical Cancer as a teenager, then she had an ectopic 6 years ago, we didn't even know she was pregnant turns out she was 12 weeks gone, but she had to have surgery to have the Falopian tube removed. Thus reducing her chances further. Our daughter Georgina is just 4 and I nearly lost both of them, she was born 6 weeks early after me rushing Mel in to hospital when her blood pressure crashed one night, Georgie was born 2 hours later by Cesarean and I was informed if I had left Mel to go to sleep that night I would have lost both of them to Help syndrome.
Only 1 in 8 survive it so I count my blessings every day but we were told that any further pregnancys would be very very risky. Now she is diagnosed with a spinal carvinoma there is no chance at all.
I really envy you guys and I hope you get as much joy from your kids as do from my daughter.
If you want another fella I am sure I can breed another up!
That is all I seem fit for it would seem, at least that's the impression I get each time we see a midwife! My partner is like the second coming and we blokes get treated like stud dogs lol.

Not that I am complaining about studding ;)
Thanks Sorgan, is that offer based on me studding your wife? Very generous but maybe you should ask her first and I think I might need permission too! We did look at fostering or adopting but tbh with my wifes health at the moment it really isn't an option.

Not our midwife she was a proper old bruiser not a softly softly liberal one. She used to smoke, and say how stupid parents were who wouldn't put their children outside in Winter. Her advice having looked outside and seen the long enclosed garden was "If it all gets too stressful push the pram to the bottom of the garden and let her scream at the birds"
:) mate I have learnt how to be a dad from my dad... The way of the John smiths he would call it. No nonsense.
No worries mate. Don't worry I'm just as excited as my wife about having another one as we lost a baby last year while we was on holiday so that makes this one extra special if you know what I mean.

Yes mate I know how that feels. Never even thought my wife could have kids after her having Cervical Cancer as a teenager, then she had an ectopic 6 years ago, we didn't even know she was pregnant turns out she was 12 weeks gone, but she had to have surgery to have the Falopian tube removed. Thus reducing her chances further. Our daughter Georgina is just 4 and I nearly lost both of them, she was born 6 weeks early after me rushing Mel in to hospital when her blood pressure crashed one night, Georgie was born 2 hours later by Cesarean and I was informed if I had left Mel to go to sleep that night I would have lost both of them to Help syndrome.
Only 1 in 8 survive it so I count my blessings every day but we were told that any further pregnancys would be very very risky. Now she is diagnosed with a spinal carvinoma there is no chance at all.
I really envy you guys and I hope you get as much joy from your kids as do from my daughter.

Sorry to hear that mate. It sounds like you and your misses have gone through some #105###! At least you've got a little un so you can enjoy watching her grow up and lead a happy and healthy life.
As for my little boy Daniel, he's 5 and we didn't know he existed until my wife was nearly 7 MONTHS pregnant. At first as horrible as it sounds we didn't want a baby as our financial state at the time wasn't too good but thank god we the midwife told us my wife was too far gone so 2 months later I was dad and I was the happiest man on the planet. I cherish every day I have with my boy, especially since I lost my mom only a few weeks ago out of the blue thanks to the typical slowness of a NHS hospital. Luckily I told my mother a week before she died that my wife was expecting and she was over the moon and considering my wife miscarried last year I feel my mom is watching over this little one as so far everything regarding the pregnancy have been fine.

It's true what they say! "life is fragile"
So we get a new baby and a Dad joining the salty side :good: woo hoo - now all we need is a name for Woody's Dad?
I should be receiving my torch, mushy's and finger tomorrow and I was excited until it then hit me that I can only enjoy viewing them for a few months. Luckily my old man is only 3 mile away so it isn't too far to travel.

I've only just got my scape how I Want it aswell!
If you want the marine in the kitchen along as there on the same floor then just leave everything in except the fish and you and another person lift it through where it needs to be then refill it and there you go I've done this before when my 100 gallon was setup we just left a inch or two of water in

Just a idea :good:

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