My Malawi Setup


Fish Fanatic
Nov 3, 2009
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I was wondering how this setup of fish sounds if it sounds too crouded and if you think the fish would get along in a 48X12X18 60 gallon tank

3 Aulnocara maulana
3 Aulnocara jacobfreibergi
3 Aulnocara "sunburst"
3 labidochromis caeruleus
2 Pseudotropheus demansoni

thanks i would very much appreciate the feedback :]
You won't be able to have the Dems

Why not? I already have that setup and there doing fine after like a month and a half now with no problems they hardly ever chase each other and when they do they just circle each other. Will i have problems in the future?
You are likely to have problems in the future from the P.demasoni, they have very high conspecfic aggression once they reach sexual maturity and typically if they aren't kept in groups of 12+ (or as a single specimen) eventually the dominate fish will kill the others. There are exceptions to this, but they are very far and few between.

I would suggest rehoming the dems and adding another 3 L.caeruleus as they like to be in larger groups.
well right now they seem to be almost equally dominant because they both chase each other and they dont ever do much damage but this is likly to change isnt it? The Lfs is sappose to specialize in africans and the owner said two would be fine so i believed her when i bought them.

Will i have problems with the demansoni and the peacocks in the future? the peacocks are only 2-3 inches right now and the demansoni cant touch them without getting chased across the tank? I might just see how the demansoni get along for now and it would be nice just to keep one in the tank if i can
well right now they seem to be almost equally dominant because they both chase each other and they dont ever do much damage but this is likly to change isnt it? The Lfs is sappose to specialize in africans and the owner said two would be fine so i believed her when i bought them.

Will i have problems with the demansoni and the peacocks in the future? the peacocks are only 2-3 inches right now and the demansoni cant touch them without getting chased across the tank? I might just see how the demansoni get along for now and it would be nice just to keep one in the tank if i can

One of the nice things about dems are that they typically ignore any species that doesn't look like them so the peacocks should be ok, however, I would highly recommend removing at least one of the dems, when they kill each other it happens fast and usually theres no indication it's coming.
also with the peacocks i would only have one of each species and no 2 species that look the same, especially with the jacob freibergi, they are one of the more aggressive species of peacocks.
none of the species of peacocks i have look the same for males or females and i have a male with two females of each except the jacobs im pretty sure i have 3 girls.

Thats interesting the jacobs are the wimps of the tank but the sunburst peacocks are psychotic especially a female i have that is larger than the male she is a lunatic.
jacobs IMHO are rough as hell,

i had a large red empress which always ran my tank until my male jacob decided diffrent.

in the space of 1 hour my empress's fins were ripped to pieces and i had to rehome the jacob.

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