My Major Rant In Pets At Home

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Mar 4, 2008
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I went to my local Pets At home today to get some fishfood and some new plants. While I was waiting my turn for the guy to bag up the plants for me I stood and listened to what he was telling a customer who had just bought a new tank. As I listened I thought to myself 'shall I say something or not? ' Well I decided id heard enough crap and to get stuck in - couldnt help myself! :D

I asked the guy who was serving them why didnt he give them the correct information on setting up a fish tank?

HIM: "What do you mean? "

ME: "Well you told them to fill the tank, add decholor, add some so called bottled bacteria and come back in 3 days for the fish as the tank will be safe. Why didnt you give them the option of a fish less cycle or give them the correct information on cycling a tank? You didnt tell them you need to cycle the tank for 6-8 weeks before its safe for the fish - do you know it takes that long for the bacteria to grow?.

HIM: "yes, but thats what the bottled bacteria is for"

ME: " Do you really think bacteria can survive in a sealed no oxygen no food container for months on end? Even if they could do you think in 3 days they would have grown enough for the tank to be 'safe'?"

HIM: Its special bacteria - it starts to grow straight away....I think ?....."

ME: " Why didnt you tell them they would need to do daily water changes every day?

HIM: "I told them to do a water change once a week"

ME: " Thats rubbish advice! How are they going to test their water stats to see if their ammonia and nitrite levels are dangerously high? - the first thing you should have sold them is a water testing kit!"

HIM: "I told them to come back next week and we will test it free!"

ME: "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?? - you need to test it daily - do you really think peple are going to bring a sample in every day for 6-8 weeks?"

HIM: "Er.......yeah....I suppose thats true"

ME: "Do you get any training for this job?"

HIM: " Oh yes we have to read a lot of books"

ME: " Well you are reading the wrong ones then! Im sick and tired of fish shops giving lousy advise and no one giving a toss about the poor fish that suffer and die in their millions!

HIM: "Well we do our best"

ME: "Its not good enough is it? Its not hard to find the right information!"

The poor guy was upset and probably thought I was a right old bag, but I dont care - I care about those poor fish that woman is going to buy next week that will all suffer and probably end up dead! :(
Well as much as I agree that in general LFS staff give bad advice it is also true that they receive poor training.

Here take this book and go read.

A more gentle approach may have better results. I do sometimes feel the need to let rip too, so I know how you feel.

Just a thought
lol, you're lucky you didn't get banned :p

Good on you though!... It's ashame certain animals/living creatures get the looking after they deserve (home checks etc) and others (such as fish, small rodents, lizards etc) dont.
No guys im not having it - we are talking about so called 'experts' giving people really bad advise which results in living creatures suffering and dying! If it were a cat or fluffy bunny there would be an uproar, but because fish suffer and die silently its ok? its all wrong and we have to speak up or it will continue.
I wholeheartedly agree and applaud you Gilli !!! :good: :good: :good:
pets at home are not tropical, coldwater or marine specialists and are a general pet shop. i wouldnt expect wonderfull information from a place like this, you dont even get it from the so called specialist shops out there.... ive never heard any person in a shop mention cycling a tank. just add water, add magic bacteria in a bottle, leave for 3 days then add fish. this seems to be the general info given at most shops and its not until you investigate further on here for example that you realise what its all about.
No guys im not having it - we are talking about so called 'experts' giving people really bad advise which results in living creatures suffering and dying! If it were a cat or fluffy bunny there would be an uproar, but because fish suffer and die silently its ok? its all wrong and we have to speak up or it will continue.
that's why i joined this forum!
No guys im not having it - we are talking about so called 'experts' giving people really bad advise which results in living creatures suffering and dying! If it were a cat or fluffy bunny there would be an uproar, but because fish suffer and die silently its ok? its all wrong and we have to speak up or it will continue.

I totally applaud your actions, P@H should be banned from selling live fishes and aquariums! :shout:
Hi Gilli,

A sales clerk in a general pet shop is not expected to be an expert. IMHO, you behaved in an aggressive and shameful manner. This thread is closed.
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