My main problem with fish


Fish Crazy
Apr 29, 2024
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Menasha, Wisconsin
I was just thinking bout several advices I got from you guys and realized that my problem was n still is that I choose fish for how pretty they look n don't do research to see if they're compatible with other fish, if I have a kinda of large tank in my head means that I should fill it up with fish without thinking bout how big they will get or if the tank is over crowded. Large tank lots of fish that's kinda the thought in my head without thinking bout consequences.
I do things without really thinking. That's my problem
Well Tyler, it's already a positive thing that you are giving it thoughts right now. Yes, with any kind of tank you'll set up, it's important to think about the fish species you could get for your tank. Multiple fish species should be compatible among eachother, share the same requirements (look if the water parematers meet up for these fish) and will they fit in well looking at their adult size. And of course their behavior is something to look at to keep it harmonious in the tank.
If you don't have the tank yet, it would be good to take your time to overthink this all before setting up a tank. Taking your time is better than rushing things and wait till the first disappointment occurs.
Well Tyler, it's already a positive thing that you are giving it thoughts right now. Yes, with any kind of tank you'll set up, it's important to think about the fish species you could get for your tank. Multiple fish species should be compatible among eachother, share the same requirements (look if the water parematers meet up for these fish) and will they fit in well looking at their adult size. And of course their behavior is something to look at to keep it harmonious in the tank.
If you don't have the tank yet, it would be good to take your time to overthink this all before setting up a tank. Taking your time is better than rushing things and wait till the first disappointment occurs.
Well I will set up my 125 gallons this week and I have mollies, platties, swordtails 3 pear gouramies corys yo yo loaches they will all go to that tank from 2 different tanks the only concern I have is a one dwarf gouramie I have in one tank he is kinda of a bully so I'm not sure if put him there with the others. He is in a community tank with all those fish except for the pear gouramies.
He doesn't bully the mollies, platties or swordtails but I'm worry bout him bullying the peral gouramies
Do you have floating plants ?
I have some sea weeds but they're always move to the left side of thank regardless if I move em to the right side they always ho to the left. And I have lots of duck weed which I hate bcase they grown super fast n cover the whole tank not letting me feed the fish unless I push em away so I can put some food
Use a pipette, coral feeder, turkey baster... To get the food under... I nearly always target feed as much as possible.

You can make or buy floating rings to cut surface movement at the output of your filter... while it wont bring everything stale. you can give a lot more space to conquer.

But if you let it thicken it it will hold more... I left floating plant fill half tanks before pruning and the fish loved it.

And for unknown reason surface dwelling fishes likes the thick layer a lot And even more anabantoidei labyrinth fishes like gouramies.
Use a pipette, coral feeder, turkey baster... To get the food under... I nearly always target feed as much as possible.

You can make or buy floating rings to cut surface movement at the output of your filter... while it wont bring everything stale. you can give a lot more space to conquer.

But if you let it thicken it it will hold more... I left floating plant fill half tanks before pruning and the fish loved it.

And for unknown reason surface dwelling fishes likes the thick layer a lot And even more anabantoidei labyrinth fishes like gouramies.
Ok. Thanks
I was just thinking bout several advices I got from you guys and realized that my problem was n still is that I choose fish for how pretty they look n don't do research to see if they're compatible with other fish, if I have a kinda of large tank in my head means that I should fill it up with fish without thinking bout how big they will get or if the tank is over crowded. Large tank lots of fish that's kinda the thought in my head without thinking bout consequences.
I do things without really thinking. That's my problem
Well done for reflecting on the advice people gave you.
If you can listen, you will learn so you are in a very good position.

We all need to learn the complexities of fish keeping with community tanks and this is a great place to ask questions. I had to get a second tank to separate my corydoras from tiger barbs. The barbs are long gone but good advice on here means I still have some of the cories years later.

Usually one gourami species per tank is enough. Leave the dwarf gourami in the old tank so that the 125 is peaceful and enjoyable.
It takes time, and what you're saying is really familiar to a lot of aquarists. Stopping to consider the consequences is a learned thing - you have to decide to do it. Most of the time we learn that from not doing what we should, even if we stop and think first.

I've had fish for 57 years, and yesterday, I saw a fish on a list for an order, and had to talk myself out of it. I didn't want to run any tanks at 27c, and that's what it needed. For a moment, I thought it could adjust to my warmest tank (at 25), and then I realized I was doing the wishful, denial of reality thing we all do. Just one more species, just one more pretty fish, just one more impulse buy...

As we learn about fish we have to learn about ourselves, and trust our growing knowledge over our growing wishes. It isn't easy.

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