My Loo1

can a 9.5" LOO1 pleco go with a Senegal bichir?

I think you'll find its an L001 not Loo1 ;)

Ok enough of me being picky, your L001 should be fine, I have an L001 around the same same size in with two P.senegalus and one P.delhezi, as well as a fire eel, clown loach, clown knife.

It should be fine, the critics against keeping plecs with bichirs is that they can suck the slim from them, but if you keep you plecs well fed, this shouldnt be a problem.

Good luck and lets see your beautiful fishies ;)

oh i though i put L001 not LOO1 sorry :rolleyes: anyway, ill have to put him/she in tommorrow.

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