thanks for the advice
Why would angles "terrorize" each other. Are they not good together
If i did get another one, and they bred, I would put them in the breeder tank. If space was too limited, I would just let nature take it's course in the community tank.
If I got rid of the goldfish, and there was more room, would the angles be less likely to fight. I don't know much about angles. LIke I said, the lfs said they'd probly be fine on their own, but I felt sorry for it. I just bought it cause it was pretty.
WHat size are they sexually mature. Not inc it's fins, mine is about 1" in length and height. Is that big enough to breed???
As far as fighting goes, is it male and male or fm and fm or opp. sex. If it's not advisable cause of this, I wont get another one. I just thought it'd be happier. Please do inform me about the fighting side of things though cause I wasn't awear of that. THe lfs said they wouldn't become aggressive until they're a lot bigger.
About my plecos, I've got 3 gold ones. 1 is about 3", the other 2 are about 2 1/2". 1 Pleco is a gibbi I think/ or sailfin pleco. I'm having difficulty establishing that info. I've seen an adult of same kind in lfs and it's a foot long. So yes, I do know they get huge. It's currently about 4-5" and growing.
I think the other 2 are bristlenose. mY lfs doesn't lable things. They just say "pleco."
By the time they get too big I'll either get another tank - another big one - or I'll get rid of some of my other fish to make room. But I do love my fishies very much and I'm not going to do anything cruel or unhealthy to them.
I feed them blanched brocoli and crushed peas and silverbeet, so that they get enough to eat, and enough greenery. By the next morning, there's not a crumb or a brocoli pod in sight!!!!