Needless to say I have a small zoo running around my house.
1 Beta named Sushi
1 Hampster named Bella
1 Gerbil named Tanzie
1 Rabbit named Snowball
1 Cat named Snickers
2 Dogs named Flannle and Keona
2 Angel Fish named Alice and Tiger
6 Zebra Danios (un-named can't tell them apart anywho lol)
6 Australian Rainbow (" ")
2 Red Platies(" ")
2 Gold Platies(" ")
2 African Dwarf Frogs named Leggs and Potsy
1 Chinese Algae Eater named Niko
6 Green Tiger Barbs Un named
She's very cute!!! I like her color pattern on her fur! It's as if she has a blanket and mask on! I'd love to get more furry critters, but my husband says No. We have a dog, foxy, and cat, peewee, now. I'd probably bring home every furry critter from the humane society if it weren't for my husband keeping things balanced!
She's a gorgeous girl, but I thought I'd mention that she's not a tortoiseshell (for one thing, "tortoiseshell" and "sweet cat" don't go together, not often anyway, lol). Torties don't have white, calicoes do, but she's not that either. She's definitely a tabby type (classic clue is the "M" on the forehead), and I'm thinking either Marble Tabby or some sort of Ticked Tabby. She's definitely gorgeous!