My Little Christmas Miracle


Jun 6, 2005
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British Columbia - Canada
My copper SD Ethan who has been sitting on a leaf for a year and a half due to swimbladder issue has experienced a miracle. The store didn't even want to sell him to me because they said they've never successfully cured swimbladder, so i asked what they were gonna do ie: medicate etc, they said they wouldn't do anything because they've tried in the past just to have the betta die so, they were just gonna wait and see. So i left the store and then turned back and asked if i could give it a try and that i would pay for him, i didn't care. They hmm'd and hawed and finally agreed to sell him to me for half price and tried everything but it didn't work, I didn't care though - he had his big silk leaf he stayed on and ate from etc. But i went to change his bowl on christmas eve along with the others and i noticed him kind of hovering in the middle of the tank. That was weird...he never did that before, so i decided to give him a try in a 1G tall bowl with sand and plants and what'ya know! he swims and flares like crazy at the others around him now!
Now that's a miracle if i ever saw one!
Woah, that's awesome! What a recovery! ^_^
I'm working on a similar problem with mine, Mr Wu. He's got a fighting spirit and the things I've been doing have strengthened him alot but he still sweeps off to the side at rest. I've been doing 50+% water changes everyday, adding in aquari-sol and took up the temp a notch. I've cut way back on the amount I feed him and have given him a few shlled peas. He turns his nose up at brine shrimp. Does this sound good? I didn't go out of town for Christmas as I wasn't sure he was gonna make it and I didn't want to leave him alone or put the problem on another person. Any hints for me? The whole thing appeared to start with a tumor on his side......


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sounds like you're doing everything you can. After a couple month of doing that myself and gave up and just started treating him like all the rest and hoping for the best...he didn't improve at all but he didn't get anyworse.
The only difference is that my guy couldn't swim at all, he never came off the bottom of the tank, except when he was lounging on his leaf, but i assume it would have same affect, so when i post pics later you'll see his fins are in really rough shape but now that's he's better we're working on getting him purdy again!
that's great news, and you taking a chance with him, and it payed off, bless him.
May the New Year bring him health and beauty. He's already famous now that you've posted here. Mine is going to get a course of Maracyn and Maracyn2 so we have all bases covered. He's had some epsom salt baths and Everything Else Imaginable. They're so cute and funny how can you help but worry about them? The sad thing is that some peoples' kids don't even get a part of what we do for our fish.
I'll enclose a photo of Mr Wu with the Buddha who he didn't seem to like very much. So much for trying to expose your children to their own culture eh?
Best of luck with your little buddy.mr_wu_and_buddha.jpg

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