my little betta


New Member
Jan 30, 2005
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recently i was changing the water w/ my male betta and he jumped ship AKA (jumped out of the net that was taking him to holding tank while i clean the norm. tank) after this horrific accident he had a little white bump on his head and i put a little more than usual stress coat this contains aloe vera

so i have looked at him many times a day and it has healed now i just want to know if i did the right thing by putting a little more stress coat in the tank

thnx neon
bettas are very good at jumping and my female has done it several times when i open the tank hood. :)

keep your hads wet when picking him up and yes adding a little extra stress coat is beneficial and keep an eye on him too.
good i did the right thing then???

when i go to feed him he does not jump, also i always have some stress coat on my hands when cleaning his tank is this good and preventable from deasis

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