My Little Betta

rimmer 05

Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
Grimsby, England
ive decided to show my betta, hes a wierd one, colourless with blue tinted fins :thumbs:
There's really no such thing as a "normal" betta, or fish for that matter. Is it common? Yes, and I think he might actually be a she.
There is no "normal" coloring for any betta. You will learn about so many different colors and color combinations on here that it'll make your head spin!
I believe the color you have is called cambodian - flesh colored body with blue fins. Since your bettas fins aren't a solid color, and there are "clear" areas, those areas are referred to as celophane colored since they are translucent. There are some bettas out there that have such clear fins that it looks like they don't have fins at all!

I think your betta is male. At first glance he does look feminine, but I still says it's male.
That is definatley a male. I've never seen a VT female with that long of finage and the flarey things extend beyone the gils.

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