My Lfs Shocking Prices


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2009
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i was in my lfs today looking for a pair of boesmani rainbows and a gold nugget pleco ( by the way its cockfields farm in ashton), the boesmani rainbowfish were £17 each and the gold nugget was £28, this is rediculous considering i paid £7.50 each for my boesmanis and my brother paid £12 for a fully grown adult gold nugget.
does anyone have an lfs with overpriced fish?
£17 for a boes? Wow, I paid £4.95 each for mine and I thought that was expensive.
haha i know i walked in then walked straight back out, this is the place that sells cardinal tetras at £5 each!!!!!, i got 12 for £12 and it was a breeding group
I always find prices a bit random

Some shops are way to expensive for some fish & cheap for others

Usually pays to shop around

It sometimes depends on how well they look after their fish

The other day I saw a Powder Blue tang in 1 shop for £34 & in another £54

They were the same size but every fish in the more expensive shop looked gorgeous and everything in the cheaper one appalling
the rainbows horribly overpriced golden nugget about par for the course give or take a fiver
There are only two places in my area that stock Boesemani.
Unfortunately, they're $10 each at one store, and $12 at the other.

Very suckie.
Last year I bought my six bosemanis for $9.99 each and I thought that was expensive. The other week I was at a different lfs and they had them at $19.99 each which they imo are not worth that much at all.

It can get quite expensive if your trying to form a nice school which they should be kept in.
as said £28 for a gold nugget is about right

Depends where you're looking - Wildwoods (which for those that don't know it are the best quality LFS I know of, purely for fish quality) were selling them for £22.00.
There are only two places in my area that stock Boesemani.
Unfortunately, they're $10 each at one store, and $12 at the other.

Very suckie.

Same around here.
Petsmart sells them for a little over $10, and the LFS sells them for around the same price as well.

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