Not heard them called that before, they're one of the three species of Gold Nuggets
It might be worth reading into gold nugget care as they're notoriously difficult to acclimatise after a move. Do you know how long the LFS has had them in for? It's best to buy ones that have been established for a few weeks after their trip overseas, so that you dont get stuck with one that may die early on from starvation (it's really common in gold nuggets you see as their gut flora dies off during transit). Also remember that unlike many plecs, they are omnivores so will need some meat/fish protein (shrimp/squid/mussell pellets for example) on top of their normal veg and pleco wafers. They also need highly oxygenated water, so setting up an airstone or two is always handy - or if you have an internal filter/powerhead handy, set it up with the bubbles flowing - they love to sit in the oncoming bubbles
Edited to add - it might be a little territorial with your LDA33 as they're both baryancistrus, so make sure there's a couple of caves in your tank (nuggets need caves as they're pretty shy and like their own space).