My Last Shaws Jird Died :(


Nov 25, 2004
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I found the last of my shaws jirds dead yesterday when i got home from work :( he was getting on a bit, as he was nearly 4 now, and nowhere near as agile as he used to be - he was a bit old and creaky to be honest, and his eyesight was going too. He outlived his two brothers though - one died of complications after a scent gland tumor last year, and the other of a huge tumor in his chest. this one just seemed to have gone with old age though. rip little buddy :(

really cant understand why shaw's haven't become more popular really - they do make great pets as theyre easily handleable - lot more so than gerbils, don't bite, and are really easy to keep. I had to travel about 70 miles to get the three that I had, but haven't ever seen them advertised again, and never seen them in shops.
i had a gerbil that died from a scent gland tumour too.

sorry for your loss, he had a good innings!

i once saw jirds in a pets at home, but that was about 8 years ago now.
What do they look like???I would love to see I have never even heard of them before.. Sorry about yours passing away. RIP little fellow..
courtesy of google, they're giant gerbils

I don't like Gerbils anymore.
I used to have two and I came home one day to find that one had died and the other was half-way through eating him (I was sick) - not the best site. I had to have his brother (the who was eating him) down because I couldn't love him anymore - horrible story I know.

RIP to your guys though.
must've been very upsetting to find, but you can't blame an animal for doing what it might nautrally do in the wild - sure it was acting out of instinct not malice. could you not have rehomed him instead of having him put down? :(

heres mine sat in his tube -

and trying to bite his way to freedom -

sorry for the iffy cameraphone pics
awww, well atleast he lived a good, long life with you though...lots of memories to look back on!

I had to have his brother (the who was eating him) down because I couldn't love him anymore

:eek: That is close to the reason I dropped out of vet school. People bringing animals in to be put down..that don't deserve it. (ie.. just don't want them anymore (for whatever reason) and don't wanna take the time to find homes for them, so they just pay the fee and have them killed.) :( It's not right.
I cant believe anyone would have an animal put to sleep because they 'couldn't love it anymore'. Im sorry but thats just sick :/ It was YOUR fault the gerbil killed its brother, if they're aggressive towards each other you shouldn't keep them in the same cage!!! I really cant believe you could do that.. :angry:

But then you get some very sick people in this world. I know someone who works for a parrot rescue in america and they had a parrot brought in who's owner had chopped its beak off cos it bit them.. What a evil person -_-

But to Chris - Im sorry about your gerbil :( I haven't heard of them either but they look cute!
Chris - sorry to hear that your jird died. I have two gerbils, which aren't quite the same thing, who I've had for about two years. I know momma gerbil is near the end of her rope; she was allready on the old side when I brought her home. I hope her daughter fairs well without the company, as I hear it is rare to introduce two adult gerbils who are not family and have them get along.

Timmystood - That was horribly unfair to euthanize a gerbil for acting instinctively. If an rodent kills and eats another rodent, it is almost always because of inadequate space, improper diet, or especially stress. Chances are, something wasn't right in the gerbil's life, and he expressed it the only way a captive animal knows how. Remember, gebils are not really 100% domesticated like some strains of mice or rabbits. They are a little more high-strung and do not respond well to crowding or environmental stressors. In the future, please keep or rehome an animal if you can't "love it anymore." Your vet was very unethical to not advise you otherwise or refuse euthanasia.

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