My Kulhi has gone mental


Fish Crazy
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
I wish I could make a video of this insane fish so yall could see what he is doing!!!
After about 2 months of hiding they are all out a wriggling around but one of them has taken to swimming in circles, along the glass of the tank in the bubbles from the bubble wall. He does this for AGES at a time... then I think he's done and an hour later ... its back at the glass. :blink:

lord I hope there is not somthing wrong with him

anyone else's kuli act like it belongs in a padded cell .... uhh .. tank I mean??


My kuhli loaches have been acting very wierd for several weeks now. They will keep going to the top of the tank & try to stay there, as soon as they appear to run out of power down they come only to go back up again. I have just returned home from a weeks holiday (my son looked after the fish, he also keeps kuhlis but his are hidden up during the day) to find that 3 of them are "going mad" while the other 2 are in their cave. My water stats are ok so I dont know what the answer is, as I said this has been going on for a while now & they are still all alive & feeding well. Perhaps someone with more experience than me will be able to give you the answer to this behaviour. Good luck.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
What's the weather like?
Kuhli loaches get more active before rain storms and stuff ... his behaviour sounds perfectly fine to me though. It's just that usually they only act like that when the lights go out and you don't get to see it :)

My opinion, my thoughts ... i'm not saying its a fact and that I'm right.
Erised said:
What's the weather like?
Kuhli loaches get more active before rain storms and stuff ... his behaviour sounds perfectly fine to me though. It's just that usually they only act like that when the lights go out and you don't get to see it :)

My opinion, my thoughts ... i'm not saying its a fact and that I'm right.
There is a storm front moving up from the coast and it has been raining TONS over the past few weeks. Its also terribly hot and humid .... yep ... sounds like summer in South Carolina.

Maybe they can sense the pressure from the storm? I can always tell when a storm is coming because i get a horrible headache
They can indeed notice the difference between high and low pressure areas :) I can't explain much more than that, seeing as my english simply isn't good enough for scientific talk :p

Kuhli loaches are actually known for that ... They become very active before storm, and it's absolutely great to watch! :D
Erised could be right with the whole pressure change affecting the fish. Another thing is a lot of fish like to play in bubbles and they act weird sometimes while they're doing it. :lol:

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