My kittys are chicken


Aug 16, 2005
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Oregon, United States
My neighbors are setting off fireworks so all four of my cats are in the room with me. Trying to sleep but looking at me after every firework goes off to make sure everything is ok. Funny the whole since I'm not scared everything must be ok, good thing the dog is behaving or all hell would break loose.

My cats really are pansies tho. Captain Nemo our oldest, and largest cat, gets up inside my boxspring every time he hears a lawn mower. My Baby girl(not a baby anymore) walks around the house attacking things everytime I blow dry my hair, or use the hair trimmers, or if my cell phone vibrates. She was convinsed for a long time all the noises came from the DVD player and would sit on top of the entertainment stand and smack it repeatedly till the noise stopped. Oh and anything black, such as a slipper, a hat, a sock which is unlucky enough to be on the floor gets brutalized by the above mentioned two pansies. They wont even walk past anything black on the floor, its really odd.

Am I a bad mommy? I have raised a bunch of scaredy cats :(

Anyone elses cats scared of socks lol?
smooth_bourbon said:
Anyone elses cats scared of socks lol?

Nope, but my dogs 'hunt' hair elastics. :huh:

Your cats sound really cute. :wub: I don't have cats but my two twin Cavalier King Charles Spaniel doggies are real characters as well.

Jasmine whimpers and cries if she is separated from her sister for more than half and hour or so, then attacks her when she sees her. Phoebe gets really scared of the clock ticking because she can't reach it to make stop. They both go on hunting trips up to the jungle that is my bedroom and bring back a haul of dead, fearsome beasts such as hair elastics, hats, watches and anything else they feel is 'threatening' them. :p
lol sounds like my other cat would get along with your dogs. He has bent the hands on all our clocks (he is an amazing climber) and he has stolen about all of my hair ties.
SPLiSH said:
smooth_bourbon said:
Anyone elses cats scared of socks lol?

Nope, but my dogs 'hunt' hair elastics. :huh:

:lol: mine too - they just looooove them !

My one cat is frightened to death of fireworks and my other one couldn't get close enought to the window to see what all the commotion was about !
I used to have a 2 cats called Linka and Tizzy, Tizzy would pull all the washing off the radiators so she could sleep on it, and Linka used to steal the socks and put them under the sofa. One of my cats at the moment has a bit of a thing about sweet wrappers and steals them out of the bin, etc, we found a big hoard of them under a chest of drawers. Don't you just love all their little foibles? :wub:
funny you got a couple pack cats. and yes I love
all their little foibles?

I have been laid up all week and have had an animal or two at all times within arms reach. So sweet they know something is wrong so they are taking turns keeping an eye on me. I guess I'm loved :wub:

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