My Killifish Far... To Carpet Or Not To Carpet?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 30, 2010
Reaction score
Mumbai India
So in my sig, you can see I raised Killifish (notho rachovii 98). I sold half of the lot at good price. I still have many , but the flora in the tank is keeping them from fighting. Its okay so far and I am planning to plant 2 nano tanks and move more killies out inthose tanks (and probably sell with tanks).

Right now, I got my tank settled with plants nicely, I don't want to add anything more, But the tank has no carpet. I am thinking should I do something to carpet? or should i add some flat slates + strapped riccia on it? or just leave it as it is.

Experience killi keepers, Is it good to do some carpeting regarding this fish? or its bad idea? Kindly advice.

And here is the youtube video. (video speaks million words compared to picture, I say).

BTW you will notice, you are not seeing that many killies at all, they have acquired starwars tech and they turn on their cloak-shield as soon as i enter the room and come in the vicinity. Yup, I have ninja my way around them.

But in night when lights turn off (and in morning) they allll gather at one corner of the tank asking for food, the females almost give me the look of "I will jump right now if you dont put those bloodworms in my mouth".
I suppose the question is
Do you want to breed these or not?
oh yes, forgot that point.

Super-edit to make it simple.

* No this tank will not be used for breeding.
* I have planned a nano-tank to put male and 2 females, eggs will be collected from this nano for breeding.

BTW as sidenote, I personally wanted to create a dark biotope there but its funny it looks so japanese now (as i kept looking at amano tank gallery) as i went on building this tank.
so anyone? thought there are many killifish keepers here. hope to get some good suggestions/critics.
If you are only 'keeping' the fish, it is all up to your preferences. Killifish are top dwellers, so will rarely be sitting on the bottom anyway. So, if you feel that a carpet will look better for your tank, you may decide to do so, but it doesn't have an influence on the killies' well being.

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