My Juwel 125 Ltr


New Member
Apr 25, 2011
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Well i have been busy lately giving my 125ltr a major re-scape it came about by co-incedence really after having posted about an external filter,well a few days after my arrival and planting of my new plants i had a major problem with a failed powerhead of the standard juwel filter system :crazy: so having no filter operating wasn't the best option so thanks to my mate cocomonkey i had a lend of a temporary tank to home my fish whilst i sorted out my tank (thanks again mate).So i more or less decided i might as well get an external filter set-up and pull the standard one out also got two new juwel backgrounds to go back in and decided to change back from the sand substrate to gravel at the same time as the tank was bare,also a few more new plants to fill it with and some new wood to go in at the same time :lol:
having also decided to break up the slate into smaller pieces to and got a new heater also (old one wasn't working correctly :grr: ) so its been a pretty expensive time just lately but with all the time and effort i have put in i think it's definately been worthwhile so i'll be putting up the pictures.Needless to say i'm rather pleased with the new look tank set-up.
How It Started.

To This.

Then Onto This.
(At This Point Is When The Powerhead Failed.)

So Here's Some Information On My Current Set-Up :
Dorset 1-3mm Pea Gravel.
AQUA ONE AQUIS 1050 SERIES 2 External.
STANDARD T5 28Watt 'Highlight' Day Tube.
STANDARD T5 28Watt 'Highlight' Colour Tube.
Pieces Of Natural Grey Slate.

Sumatra Wood.
Mopani Wood.
Redmoor Wood.
Bacopa Monniera.
Needle Leaf Ludwiga.
Red Ludwiga.
Rotala Indica.
Anubias Barteri.
Cladophora Aegagrophila.
Crypyocoryne Wendtii (Green).
Egreria Densa.
Microsorum Pteropus.(Attached To Sumatra Wood).
Cryptocoryne Beckettii Petchii.
Staurogyne Repens.
Limnobium Laevigatum.
Also One Or Two Species Of Plant I'm Unsure Of.
Brochis Splenden.
Corydoras Julii & Spotted White Fin.
Bristle Nose Plec.
Glowlight,Wild Green,Neon,Red-Eye Tetra's & Black Neon Tetra's,Harlequin Rasbora's & Zebra Danio's.

My New Look Set-Up.




Well There You Are,Thought's & Comments Welcome :)
well done and nice to see you planting your tank, however you seem to have a knack for buying non aquatic plants. You seem to have some mondo grass at the front, this won't last long submerged. They will eventually rot and cause ammonia spikes. Good start though! Would you like me to move the thread onto the journal section and you can keep us updated on it's progress.
well done and nice to see you planting your tank, however you seem to have a knack for buying non aquatic plants. You seem to have some mondo grass at the front, this won't last long submerged. They will eventually rot and cause ammonia spikes. Good start though! Would you like me to move the thread onto the journal section and you can keep us updated on it's progress.
Thanks ian,ah i have been trying to identify that plant and invaluable help there thank you very much indeed right this will be removed and i'll find a proper aquatic plant(s) to replace these with,thanks again.
that would be good yes please and thanks
Thanks to ianho pointing out i had two non-aquatic plants in my tank they were removed yesterday and i got myself three new ones to be planted also decided hopefully this weekend i'll get a couple of amazon swords to go in then that should finish my planting in the tank.
Also cocomonkey kindly donated some of his seeded bio balls to me so they got added to the filter last night so hopefully that should help my cycling of the tank then i will look to add abit more stock once this is done.
So some pictures of the new plants in.
Now Looking Like This :












That's all For Now :)
I really like this tank looks great :good: see you have the same knack as me, picking non aquatic plants :rolleyes:
also good to see your moss ball rolling around like mine, how do you keep these things in one place :ninja:
Good thing that they are shooting around your tank as it shows good water movement. I'm not a fan as they're basically algae but if you have shrimp they'll love them.
A really good start. I like the substrate. Sometimes gravel works very well.

Cracking photos Matt and no problem about the bio balls hopefully they help your cycle come along a fair bit quicker mate. I'm loving the way your tank looks now. Well done mate. It could also win this months competition
looks good! why did u decide to go back to gravel?
Thanks crazy :) i liked sand but it looked so messy and the gravel looks more natural i think with all the plants

I really like this tank looks great :good: see you have the same knack as me, picking non aquatic plants :rolleyes:
also good to see your moss ball rolling around like mine, how do you keep these things in one place :ninja:
Thanks very much :) yes i seem to be able to pick non-aquatic plants :angry: good job fellow forum members are here to advise which is a good thing,they were bought from a local fish shop but needless to say i'll not be buying anymore plants there
yes the moss ball is awesome love to see it moving around it seems to find a knack of freeing itself when wedged :hyper:

Good thing that they are shooting around your tank as it shows good water movement. I'm not a fan as they're basically algae but if you have shrimp they'll love them.
That's true the surface of the water ripples slightly so all good,there abit marmite i suppose :D i love mine tho

A really good start. I like the substrate. Sometimes gravel works very well.

Thankyou liz,your right i'm glad i decided to go back to gravel now mind you i like the look of the black i have ordered for my 28l tank :rolleyes: :hyper:

Cracking photos Matt and no problem about the bio balls hopefully they help your cycle come along a fair bit quicker mate. I'm loving the way your tank looks now. Well done mate. It could also win this months competition
Cheers Scott :good: yes those bio balls should help my cycle nicely along so all good.
hopefully it stays like it :rolleyes: you know me tho haha
Decided that today i would visit a local fish shop this afternoon and get a couple of amazon sword plants to finish off my tank,that done i got on with getting them planted which worked out well as i was going to be doing a 20% water change anyhow so they are in and took one or two pictures of how my tanks looking now,i'm very much happy with it and its created a nice environment for all my fish to swim about in so its all good.
How It's Looking Now :







That's all for now comments welcomed as usual :)
Well made some subtle changes over the last few weeks and done a little maintainance,plants are looking fine but i have removed one or two too be replaced with other species,also the driftwood had some java fern attached to it (no pics as i wanted to show my latest look).Well the driftwood was taken out (java fern used onto wood in my 28ltr tank)and the two sumatra branches from my 28Ltr (complete with attached java fern)were added into the tank Yesterday and a little more trimming done the plants are really coming along now which i'm happy about and also some new additions to my fish stock too,along with my arrival of some floating plants too hopefully i'm looking for a 200Ltr tank soon so much of the current plantation and wood etc will be re-scaped into that one but not for awhile yet tho so some more work for me then but the point i'm at with my tank now i'm well happy with its current look so some more pictures are now to be added :
New Current Look :












That brings my tank up to date now :good: so until the next time thanks for looking and i welcome your comments,thoughts etc :)
Wow - that's an impressive looking tank!

Getting my first tank (110L) later this week so am hunting round for some inspiration and am really impressed with what you've done!

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