Hi everyone, I noticed a trend, and as a highschooler, I am required to participate in them.
First, I should address my username. If I could change it I would.
Now that I got the formalities done, let me introduce myself. My real name is a closely guarded secret. I usually go by the name ‘Masked Shadow’, so if you see anybody under that name on YouTube, forums, social media apps, that’s me. As I mentioned, I am in highschool. I want to be a marine biologist, but Trashman and President is still on the table. I love everything to do with animals and nature. I have kept many different animals. From scorpions to cats. Frogs to Tortoises. Lots of different species. I fell in love with fish a couple years ago. Got myself a 55g tank. Talked myself into a Delhezi Bichir, which started my love for oddball and unappreciated fish.
In my honest opinion, people go for the easier, hardier fish, which is great, but there are thousands of fish in the fish trade. Out of that many fish, probably 50 or so are commonly seen on here. I tackle the oddball fish. Underappreciated fish. Whether the underappreciation is due to lack of information, size of the fish, feeding, price; I try to spread *evidence based* information. Evidence based information is so important in the hobby. Some think that Polypterus Delhezi can reach 23”, or just look it up on google. Don’t get me wrong, google is a great source, but all information should be taken with a grain of salt. Max size for Captive Bred Del’s is around 14”, but you have to be really lucky with the genes.
Also, please don’t take personal offense in my couple paragraphs above. It’s not directed towards anyone, or accusing anyone of having common fish. I have neon tetras, Rosy Barbs, Platys, and many other common community fish. Community tanks just aren’t what I enjoy most.
Now onto my tanks. I have 4 tanks as of now.
90g (custom made dimensions - 48”L,18”H,24”D)
It is minimally planted right now with Bacopa Carolina, and multiple species of Vallisneria. It has a large piece of self-collected Manzanita in the middle.
It houses 4 different species of Bichirs. Polypterus Delhezi, Senegalus, Palmas Palmas, and Mokelembembe. All of them are close to full grown. The largest is the Palmas Palmas, at 14”. I am thinking of adding a Red Wolf to the mix.
55g (dimensions: 48”L,18”H,15”D)
Tank is outside on my patio. It is on a self-built stand. Sand, and lots and lots of plants, constantly growing and changing. The tank is 3/4 full
This houses 6 Gymnogeophagus Terrapurpurra, which are a kind of cichlid from Uruguay. There are also tons of dithers such as Mosquitofish, Xiphophorus Variatus, and Flagfish. The gymnos have paired up, and currently have fry.
42g (circular patio pond)
This has a gravel bottom, and tons of Anacharis, Coontail, and a growing Variegated Water Snowflake Lily.
This houses 4-5 Rosy Barbs, 3-5 Flagfish (plus flagfish fry), and 6-7 Mosquitofish. I also have flagfish fry in 2.5g tanks trying to raise them.
29g (standard)
This is planted with Anubis, Java Fern, Rotala sp. It also has Dragon Stone.
Stock is constantly changing, like moving dithers around, and putting parents with fry in this tank. It houses 5-6 Neon Tetras, 3 Cory Catfish, 2 Platys, a couple species of dithers, and 10 Amano Shrimp. Stocking is a constant struggle with this tank - I plan to get the stocking under control and not use this as my holding tank.
Anyway, that’s me! Sorry for my rant. I’m planning to create a thread highlighting oddball fish species, and I hope to share with you what I know, and hope to learn…even though I’ve been a member for over a year!
First, I should address my username. If I could change it I would.
Now that I got the formalities done, let me introduce myself. My real name is a closely guarded secret. I usually go by the name ‘Masked Shadow’, so if you see anybody under that name on YouTube, forums, social media apps, that’s me. As I mentioned, I am in highschool. I want to be a marine biologist, but Trashman and President is still on the table. I love everything to do with animals and nature. I have kept many different animals. From scorpions to cats. Frogs to Tortoises. Lots of different species. I fell in love with fish a couple years ago. Got myself a 55g tank. Talked myself into a Delhezi Bichir, which started my love for oddball and unappreciated fish.
In my honest opinion, people go for the easier, hardier fish, which is great, but there are thousands of fish in the fish trade. Out of that many fish, probably 50 or so are commonly seen on here. I tackle the oddball fish. Underappreciated fish. Whether the underappreciation is due to lack of information, size of the fish, feeding, price; I try to spread *evidence based* information. Evidence based information is so important in the hobby. Some think that Polypterus Delhezi can reach 23”, or just look it up on google. Don’t get me wrong, google is a great source, but all information should be taken with a grain of salt. Max size for Captive Bred Del’s is around 14”, but you have to be really lucky with the genes.
Also, please don’t take personal offense in my couple paragraphs above. It’s not directed towards anyone, or accusing anyone of having common fish. I have neon tetras, Rosy Barbs, Platys, and many other common community fish. Community tanks just aren’t what I enjoy most.
Now onto my tanks. I have 4 tanks as of now.
90g (custom made dimensions - 48”L,18”H,24”D)
It is minimally planted right now with Bacopa Carolina, and multiple species of Vallisneria. It has a large piece of self-collected Manzanita in the middle.
It houses 4 different species of Bichirs. Polypterus Delhezi, Senegalus, Palmas Palmas, and Mokelembembe. All of them are close to full grown. The largest is the Palmas Palmas, at 14”. I am thinking of adding a Red Wolf to the mix.
55g (dimensions: 48”L,18”H,15”D)
Tank is outside on my patio. It is on a self-built stand. Sand, and lots and lots of plants, constantly growing and changing. The tank is 3/4 full
This houses 6 Gymnogeophagus Terrapurpurra, which are a kind of cichlid from Uruguay. There are also tons of dithers such as Mosquitofish, Xiphophorus Variatus, and Flagfish. The gymnos have paired up, and currently have fry.
42g (circular patio pond)
This has a gravel bottom, and tons of Anacharis, Coontail, and a growing Variegated Water Snowflake Lily.
This houses 4-5 Rosy Barbs, 3-5 Flagfish (plus flagfish fry), and 6-7 Mosquitofish. I also have flagfish fry in 2.5g tanks trying to raise them.
29g (standard)
This is planted with Anubis, Java Fern, Rotala sp. It also has Dragon Stone.
Stock is constantly changing, like moving dithers around, and putting parents with fry in this tank. It houses 5-6 Neon Tetras, 3 Cory Catfish, 2 Platys, a couple species of dithers, and 10 Amano Shrimp. Stocking is a constant struggle with this tank - I plan to get the stocking under control and not use this as my holding tank.
Anyway, that’s me! Sorry for my rant. I’m planning to create a thread highlighting oddball fish species, and I hope to share with you what I know, and hope to learn…even though I’ve been a member for over a year!