My Intro


New Member
Feb 22, 2012
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Bay Area, CA
Since I always jump in and act like I'm home when I join new forums.. I figured I should at least introduce myself :)

I am a almost 32 mom of a 3 year old who works full time, takes occasional college classes online, and has been a pet fiend since I was old enough to care for one. Somehow in all of that mess I keep my sanity, though some days it's questionable :p

My dad loved fish and kept them on and off since high school. His mom liked fish a lot too, so it must run in the blood. My dad was military, which put some limits on him, but he kept fish during one long duty stay. He had a 55 community tank with a variety of smaller school fish and one pleco that grew pretty large (and ended up getting sold). We also had some large oscars for a few weeks till my dad got rid of them (he wanted the tank and got a good deal on the setup). All of us kids had small tanks in our rooms (3 of us) though I was the only one who really got into them. He let me pick out some fish when I was around 12 and I got two pike cichlids. I think they were suppose to be mixed gender and my dad was hoping to breed them (he breed swordtails and mollys.. plus bettas as a college kid). Well, that night one ate the other, though they were almost the same size, and there was no fish breeding of that speci. He had to change houses on base after he gained some rank and he ended up throwing all of the fish in a wading pool temporarily. That pike cichlid had himself a feast and I had a not so happy dad (though I don't know what he thought would happen).

When I was in my mid 20s I decided to get back into fish. Started out with one male betta and a couple of females (not together). I bundled through some stupid newbe mistakes and after a few tank upgrades ended up with a 20 gal for the male and a 55 gal and a troup of females. I loved watching the social interchanges between the girls. My first girl was a royal blue/purple and the "mom" fish. She was keep track of the other girls. One was a bit of a bully but if "mom" caught her she'd go after her and the bully would stop for a little bit. I had 4 or 5 of them in various colors. Sadly a fungus of some sort went through the school and slowly picked them all off. I did a hospital tank, meds, nothing seemed to fix the problem. It never affected anyone else, just the bettas. I had a variety of small schoolers in with them. After the bettas the tank got (partially the idea of an ex, not all me) a Oscar, Jack Dempse and African Cichlid. My ex got the first two and me the last. I told him someone was going to eat someone else but he didn't listen. Of course I was right, the African cichlid was the "winner" The Oscar was pretty young and ended up hanging out with the original male betta (with lots of inital babysitting) for a few weeks before his injuries got the best of him. The Jack D. was fast and learned pretty quick how to avoid the African cichlid so he didn't come to any harm. I am also military (and didn't learn from my dad, haha) so eventually I moved and sold all of the fish. I couldn't set up the tank in my new Apt since it was a old bldg and not allowed so I ended up getting rid of both the 20 and the 55. This was 7 or 8 years ago.

Fast forward to 3 or 4 months ago. I get a fishy itch while at a LPS and ask my son if he wants to get a betta. I liked the blue guy I'd had before and wanted another. My son thought it was a grand idea and picked out a little pink looking guy. I had a bad impulsive pet moment, brought him home and set him up in a new tank. Rememebered later you were suppose to cycle such things and felt bad, but Betta was a good tough guy and didn't show any ill will toward my bad pet keeping. He bubble nested right away and his first nest was the heart I have on my profile picture. So, I named him Don Juan, hehe. He's grown into a gorgeous fish that looks slightly more red and has blue tips on his fins that look metallic. As soon as I get the photos off my camera I'll post some. I LOVE his fins!

I got him a Cory cat after a few weeks to act as bottom feeder and they both did fine for a bit (just found out Corys are school fish, oops).

So, last weekend I realize I need to move betta and tank (5 gal glass generic rectangle) because I need to move the dresser. I had a new clothing hanger thing that would only fit in that spot (my apt has a strange layout). I go on a last minute fish tank shopping spree, but pickings are slim and I ended up buying the 15 Gal coloumn tank. I regreat it now, but eh.. its full of water with some fish so it stays. There was one that was longer vs tall, but the stand cost more so I didn't get it. Wish I had.

After betta and Cory had a night in the new tank with just their old water plus a couple of gallons of new I see betta picking on Cory and decide I need to decorate so there is better hiding. There is obviously a ton more space. Instead of being smart and ONLY buying the decorations I buy more fish as well. I realize my mix wasn't the best and decide to find a good forum so that my future purchases are smarter and I kill less fish!

All of my Corys are dead (I bought two more) but so far no one else is dying. Betta is going back in old tank this weekend though and new tank will eventually have no mouth breeders and something new.

I also love reptiles and have a small lizard collection. The fish, lizards, and son keep me pretty busy! It love it though and all my little critters.

I'll also warn you.. sometimes I type more than anyone actually wants to read :D
:hyper: Haha I enjoyed your story. I think maybe you are an "overshare" as my Hubby likes to call me! My posts are always Novels. Welcome to the forum? Have only been here a short time myself. People here really know their stuff!

We are a military family too and moving soon with a million fish tanks :crazy: What are we thinking? lol Hope you won't have to move anytime soon.
Actual full on Essay. :hi:

As you've already learned, Corys are schooling fish, and need to be in groups of 6 or more, with a good bottom area to move around in. In a 15gal, i would only recommend Corydoras Panda, Hasbrus and Pygmaeus, due to adult size. They wont grow more than 2", or 1" for the Pygmaeus. I have a tank of similar size in my signature, they get on really well.

Im guessing since you kept fish before, that this tank was cycled? And this wasnt the cause of death?

Enjoy your stay :)
Hah, my husband was in the military up until 2 yrs ago. Good thing we didn't have fish to worry about back then! :blink:

I too enjoyed your story! You will find a lot of information on this forum here, and you will get tons of good suggestions when you ask! Welcome! :good:
I have put up a few posts already! I had fish quite a few years ago, and some of my knowledge was rusty. I thought using the old water would keep it cycled, but I was obviously wrong on that. I joined the forum after I set up the 15 gal and things didn't go so well. It is cycling the right way now. I am going to recycle my 5 gal as well since I want another betta. I'll be a little bit smarter this time. I don't think I was on a forum back then. I just "winged" it and went off what I remembered from my dad's days. I had a 55 gal as well, maybe slightly more forgiving? I don't remember any major fish deaths with the exception of whatever got my girl bettas. Otherwise, everything went pretty smoothly.

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