Alex Brown
Fish Crazy
Well this monring I have noticed two small clear sacks with hundreds of white dots in the middle. This is around the part of the tank where only the humbug damsels go. Could these be eggs? I have noticed what is said to be mateing behavior over the past weeks/month from the fish. One is much larger than the other and has the colouration of male and female between them. I have noticed fanning and other things.
Any help on preparing a breeder box or anything would be much aprchiated - I have never raised fry before!!
p.s - would take a picture but they are too small
p.s again - whos your daddy That is a leaf ontop of the sack.
Any help on preparing a breeder box or anything would be much aprchiated - I have never raised fry before!!
p.s - would take a picture but they are too small
p.s again - whos your daddy That is a leaf ontop of the sack.