My Hoplos


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
Had these hoplos a few months now bought 4 as tiny babies and now they are about 4 inch and very chunky. I have two males and two females judging by the pectoral fins which are long and reddish in the males


they are great catfish, so active, little characters and make a decent feature for a tank
Hoplo's are taking over. Saw two for sale on Aquarist classified, couldn't resist as were near me well 25 miles :lol: They are a pair male 6" female 5" lovelly fish. £15 well pleased!!! I now have 9 of these in my main tank and 2 growing on in my daughters tank which will soon need moving to mine. :rolleyes:
How do I stop buying these fish! :grr:
Very nice fish.

I have a pair in my tank.
Love them. But I find they can be a bit boistersous with smaller Cats at feeding time.
not had that problem and I have cories, talking and banjo cats. started feeding tubifex cubes to the hoplo's straight out of my hand, very funny to see.
Hoplo's are taking over. Saw two for sale on Aquarist classified, couldn't resist as were near me well 25 miles :lol: They are a pair male 6" female 5" lovelly fish. £15 well pleased!!! I now have 9 of these in my main tank and 2 growing on in my daughters tank which will soon need moving to mine. :rolleyes:
How do I stop buying these fish! :grr:
Start breeding them and become a seller , giving pleasure to other`s :-
Yeh thought about that and every week when I do a water change the large male builds his bubble nest but shows no interest in the females.. I now have another large male. He doesn't build a nest but wont leave the females alone.. cant way them up?? :crazy:

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