My Happy Lil' Reef = Death Trap


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
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Ok, so ive had this tank for over a year. Got a clown fish, damsel, and lawnmower blenny (had them since the tank was new, they are doing fine). Got about 30 crabs (30gal tank btw). So the other day i decide to buy some feather dusters and a few snails. So i put the feather dusters in and the snails without aclimating (bad move) and 2 of the 3 dusters died within 1 night, all 10 snails appear to be dead. Went back to my LFS and bought 2 peppermint shrimp and 2 emerald crabs, this time letting them aclimate. The crabs are doing fine, the but shrim died within SECONDS of being in the tank. I dunno wats going on, the fish are doing fine, all crab-like animals are doing fine, 1 feather duster left and he doesnt look well (not so feathered anymore as he is stringey). Seems like the non-crab animals and the non-fish animals are dying or getting sick rather fast. I tested for amonia and its fine, salt levels are a little low, but not enough that would kill things. I added some more salt water today to even the levels but that was after the death of the shrimps so i have not yet tested it with new ones. Any ideas?
"the but shrim died within SECONDS of being in the tank"

Sounds like you've got copper in the water (it's the active ingredient in most fish based medicine)

any idea how the copper got in there? via food sourcce maybe? Been using flake food, same brand for over a year, i try not to over feed. Maybe in the filter media? Not sure, anyone know where it may have ccome from, and how to remove it?

Oh, i use only distilled water btw, so i dont think tis comming in through there.

Havnt used any medicines either
How long and what method are you using to acclimate the inverts?

See if your LFS will test the copper in the water, although personally I wouldn't suspet the distilled water if you have inverts that are living in the tank currently. Sounds to me more like something going wrong either in-store (those tanks may have meds in them) or during acclimation to your tank.
only other way you could think of it, as have you put any new fish in recently or not too long ago? if so did u put their water in the tank? just an idea as then the fish that the tank came from might of been treated in copper all the time, and you just added it into your tank.
Come to think of it, i did add the water that came with the fish into my tank (not really fish, just hermit crabs). That may have caused an increase in copper. As for inverts, the only inverts i had in the tank prior to the deaths was about 30-40 hermit crabs, 8 turbo snails, and the little white and red feather dusters that sprouted up by them selves. (I dont know if hermits and snails count as inverts, but i assume they do). I think i'm going to have my water tested... strange that the fish and crabs seem unphased whereas shrimp die within seconds.

I allowed the shrimp to aclimate for about 20-30 minutes, the feather dusters where not aclimated (however they lived fine for a full day, died about 24 hours later)
No hermits water wouldnt be the case. Yes they are classes as inverts.
Thats a bit short in putting them in.
Should be on the lines of:
20 min float minimum for temperatures.
Then roll down the bag float it, and every 5 mins put a cup of water in untill full then take out some and repeat. then test the salinty and then net them out or drop them in. either way a good like hour 30 like.
May be worth buying a Copper Test before adding any more Inverts IMO

Did you see the Shrimps die

Is it possible they may have been a victim of predation
I allowed the shrimp to aclimate for about 20-30 minutes, the feather dusters where not aclimated (however they lived fine for a full day, died about 24 hours later)

If your sg and other parameters are significantly different from those at the LFS, that is not nearly a long enough acclimation for shrimp or snails. Snails IME need 1 hour minimum...longer is better. I would assume the same applies for shrimp, if not a longer time. Do the copper check, but also increase your acclimation time on anything else you put in. 23-30 min is way too fast even by drip line. Shrimp are more sensitive than hermits, although they may be equivalent in sensitivity to some snails.
May be worth buying a Copper Test before adding any more Inverts IMO

Did you see the Shrimps die

Is it possible they may have been a victim of predation

Ya, i put them in, and they seemed fine, started eating off the live rock, then they stopped moving their legs only moving their mouth, then they just stopped all together. Shortly after a hermit crab climbed onto them and thats when i relized they where dead cause there was no response to the crab.
Can you give tests of all important water parameters? Temp, salinity, pH, and anything else you can test for including CA, Alk, Mg, Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia, etc?
I thought i may be testing wrong so i brought a sample of water to my LFS and they tested it for me. They said it was in good condition, however it had a yellowish tint to it. The guy said never use distilled water and they may have caused the probmems. i'm ganna do 10g water changes each week and see if it gets better.

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