My Hamsters


Feb 14, 2007
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I got them on the easter weekend, 2 female dwarfs. Ones winter white and the other the normal brown colour. They are sisters and they were really friendly in the shop. Got them home and the white one started to bite and the brown one squealing anytime I went near her! They seem to have calmed down alot now and I can put my hand in without the squealing and biting. But I think they have started fighting. I cant see in the cage easily as they are on my wardrobe to stop my cats getting to them, not that it works very well! Anyway Ive noticed the squealing coming from the cage and lots of scuffling around. By the time I got the cage down they had stopped but the brown one had the dust from the stuff on the bottom all over her back, as if she was pinned on her back by the white one. Are they fighting? Ive never had any hamsters fighting before, and they never used to do that for fun! So Im guessing its fighting, but any ideas why? They are sisters and were together in the shop with 2 other females... Should I seperate, or sell one of them or what???
Any ideas would be great, thanks!
Never kept dwarf hamsters, but i used to keep siberian ones for quite a few years. My first question- are you absolutely positive that you have dwarf hamsters and not a siberian one/s? The siberian hamsters are highly territorial (both males and females), and will kill any other hamsters kept with them.
If you can get pics, that would help a lot :thumbs: .
Siberian is another name for a breed of dwarf hamster. I believe you mean syrians. If they are syrians then you must seperate them as they are terriatorial and will fight till the death.

Winter white is not a colour it is a breed/species of dwarf hamster. Do you have Russian campbell dwarfs or winter whites? If you have one Winter White and One Russian campbell then separate them as different sepcies should not be living together.

Winter white dwarfs are very vocal and a little play fighting could seem like the hugest deal in the world. If there are any blood or injuries you need to separte them immeadiatly. Also what size cage do you have? How many wheels? How many beds? How many toys? How big is your food dish? How many water bottles? All of these can lead to a squabble. Look here for informormation on housing multiple hamsters:;showarticle=8

Also you need to keep your cay away this can stress your hamsters very much. Stress can allow illness to move in.
Yes, they are definite dwarfs, my last one was a syrian. They are the same breed, just ones white, the women in the shop said winter white and the white one will go darker when its warmer and white in the winter. I cant see any blood or injuries on either hamster, its a standard wire cage with plastic base but I added an extra room on top with tunnels going through the wire at the top to provide another level. This is the bed area, on the cage floor is the food bowl, a toilet roll, a ball and some chew toys. There is 1 water bottle.
Thanks for replying.
Do you have a wheel? Or is that what you mean by a ball? You will want atleast two wheels as they may squabble over it. Water bottles usually are not a big deal. You want a large enough food so that they can both sit in it. And sometimes you will even want mor ebeds because they may not want to sleep together.

Now a standerd cage could be anything. Dimensions? Often cages sold for hamsters are to small for hamsters silly eh?

I hope they settle down. You are positive the are both female?

Btw not all winterwhites turn white in the winter atleast not domestic ones ;)
I had a look as good I can, they dont seem to have male parts, my syrian before them was an OBVIOUS male! So Im pretty sure these are both females. I dont have a wheel in there, I have a ball that they come out in 1 at a time. The cage is 18 inches long, 11 1/2 wide and 10 inches tall - not including the extra bit I put on top. The food bowl they can both easily get into.
Im hoping to get another cage soon with split levels etc so there will be more room for them and more to do. Just have to wait until I have some spare money :(
Thanks for the advice.
When you get the new cage you need to get a wheel they are a must for hamsters. They are pretty much as important as food and water (well not quite but... you get what I am trying tom say right?)

Hope all goes well.
Yeah i agree with betta lover, sorry i got mixed up with siberian and syrian hamsters i knew i had typed something wrong but i was pretty tired last night when i did that post.

Also, do they have a water bottle to drink from and hamsters houses to sleep in?
The extra level I put on top is full of tissue which is where they sleep. I have 1 wheel I can put in there for now, it squeaks terrible though, they are noisy enough lol!
Yes they have a water bowl. What shall I do about them 'fighting' just make sure there are no injuries/blood every day and then if there is at some point then split them?
Thanks, Ill get a couple new wheels asap, Ill look on ebay now!
Water bowl=bad. They get dirty from potty duties, shavings, food and so much more >.< You will also need a water bottle.

You really should try for the cage as soon as possible try getting a bin cage: (Lots of info on bin cages in that link). There is only prevention really just keep a really close watch on them. Good luck.
Ooops, dont know why I typed bowl they dont have a bowl its a bottle lol, sorry about that!

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