My Hamster (caution, he’s hairless)


Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Mar 8, 2021
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Eastern US
Helloooo. I was encouraged by @Unicornblast5000 to share pictures of my hamster. He doesn’t exactly have a name yet, but I thought I would share his story and some awful photos!

My brother was spending the night at a friends house, and they decided to run to the gas station down the road to get some snacks and drinks. They’re walking back out to the car, and a college age girl sticks her head out the window of her car and goes “Hey, you guys want a hamster?” And allll my brothers friends were like “nah man don’t take it. You don’t want a hamster!” But my brother decided to take it, and the girl hands him a small green hamster ball with this fluffy Syrian hamster in it. The ball was half full of bedding, he had clearly been living in it a long time because there was SO much poop, and he had been being fed cheese crackers! So he texts my mom and goes “hey mom, look what I got the girls“ (“girls” referring to my sisters and i) so my mom drove us to our LPS and we bought the only cage they sold, which was an itty bitty critter trail one, but we figured it coukd work temporarily. Then we drove out to my brother’s friend’s house and picked up the hamster. We get him home and are actually looking at him for the first time, and he’s half bald, has a slightly bent spine (from running in such a small ball) is basically skin and bones, and has these nasty scabs.

He is now completely bald basically (we put him in pine shavings, we didn’t know how bad they were for small animals, but he’s in paper bedding now) but now he is in clean, soft paper bedding, he is free fed a hamster food pellet and seed mix with occasional fruits and veggies, and he gets play time to run around the floor under supervision. He’s gained weight and has a new cage being planned. One of the scabs got really big and nasty, but we are treating it with an ointment to help it heal. I am not experienced with hamsters, but I am learning all about their care as I try to give him a good, happy life!
It looks like he has some peach fuzz, so hopefully his hair will start growing in soon. I am glad he has a good home with you.
i love the new flow of pets coming!!!
Poor little thing! Makes me so cross how these innocent little creatures get so mistreated. Well done you for giving him a safe and happy home ♥️
It looks like he has some peach fuzz, so hopefully his hair will start growing in soon. I am glad he has a good home with you.
Yes, hopefully! As soon as we made the switch to paper bedding he got this soft little layer of fur. The length of what fur is left makes us think he is a long haired one

i love the new flow of pets coming!!!
Yes! It is fun to see everyone’s other pets!

You probably saved his life. He's cute
Thank you. My sisters helped care for him at first, before getting bored. He is so sweet, for the kind of life he must’ve had

Poor little thing! Makes me so cross how these innocent little creatures get so mistreated. Well done you for giving him a safe and happy home ♥️
it is very sad, I’m glad my brother was in the right place at the right time :wub:
When you mentioned losing hair and covered in scabs I thought scabies or mange mites but it doesn't look like he has them. He should be fine now someone is feeding him well and letting him have some exercise.

Make sure he gets fruit and vegetables every day.

Good on your brother for taking the hamster and good on you and your mum for getting a cage and looking after it :)
When you mentioned losing hair and covered in scabs I thought scabies or mange mites but it doesn't look like he has them. He should be fine now someone is feeding him well and letting him have some exercise.
Yeah, we looked him over real good when he first came home, and he seems to be improving immensely!

Make sure he gets fruit and vegetables every day.
Ok! I offer him carrots and apple between every few days and a once a week, do you know of any veggies I can offer more regularly? I know Carrots and apples are high in sugar.

Good on your brother for taking the hamster and good on you and your mum for getting a cage and looking after it :)
I’m not sure my brother would ever admit it, but he seems to have a real soft spot for animals. He pulls over and calls my mom whenever he find a turtle in the road, and he hangs out with my sisters hedgehog a lot. I currently have a better cage in planning!

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