My Guppy Is Sick


Feb 12, 2016
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Tank size: 10 gallons (38 L)
pH: 7.4
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 15
kH:  ?
gH: 200
tank temp: 77 deg. F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
A few days ago I noticed Gordon was missing some scales. This morning I noticed that he has a scale protruding and pale, stringy poop. He is also very lethargic. I don't know what in the world this is...
Volume and Frequency of water changes:
Once a week, about 25-50% each time.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
I use Prime water conditioner and TopFin water conditioner.

Tank inhabitants:
2 male fancy guppies

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
I haven't added anything since I got my fish about a month ago.

Exposure to chemicals: None that I know of...
Digital Photos:
Could not get any.
Sorry you haven't had a reply, but there's nothing I can spot that might be causing an issue, unless it's your other guppy bullying him. They really need to be kept in groups to stop that; pairs of livebearers usually do end up with a bully and a victim.
Also, pale stringy poo could be a sign of internal parasites. But the scale thing I have no idea.
In response to fluttermoth, I have indeed noticed that he seems to be scared of Max... and Max seems to think he owns the place. Do you think "moving the furniture"(decorations) might help?
Unlikely; guppies aren't territorial like cichlids. The only thing you could try is adding more (male) guppies; if your tank is large and mature enough to cope with the extra bioload.
They may not be like cichlids but from my own 10 gallon male guppy tank experience....I had chewed tails in no time with 7 in the tank. Unfortunately 3 have passed from being ill(one to internal parasites and 2 to whatever this last bout was...). The tails still haven't grown back but I'm hoping that after my Antibiotic treatment for fin rot it will now(something else was up before the fin rot.) So....just be careful how many you add to a small tank. Without females they are territorial to each other. I'm hoping these last four will be OK but I still see them flair up at each other. But...if you added a couple of more at least it could possibly split the tension. And putting some more things to block line of sight could be good too. The more hiding places the better.
I could have worded my answer a bit better

What I meant was, moving things around in itself won't help; they won't be guarding a particular cave or plant, but having plenty of plants, and making sure that some are nearer the front and centre of the tank, so the guppies can get out of each other's sight will help a lot, as well as adding a few more fish to spread any aggression around
I added the prettiest fluffy-tail fancy guppy today! His name is Coral. He's so pretty...
Update- Gordon is OK now. His scales have not gotten worse. As for the new fish, however...

A few days ago, his tail started to tear. I got Melafix, and have started the treatment. Today is the 2nd treatment. It was kind of a small tear, but it wasn't there the other day. Did I do the right thing?
Small tears or splits in fins are nothing to worry about, and they're very common when you have a few male guppies together, as they are quite feisty and do play quite rough.

You don't need to do anything unless you see signs of fin rot or fungus, which can occur as secondary infections, and which will need treating with a proper medication. Melafix can be useful as preventative, but it won't cure infections once they've taken hold, and torn fins mend just fine in clean water.
If this is finrot, what would I do?
And if it isn't, Melafix won't hurt?
HarpyFishLover said:
If this is finrot, what would I do?
And if it isn't, Melafix won't hurt?
If the fin starts to look fluffy, white or pink/red, then you'd need to get a medication that treats fin rot and fungus. If it's just split or torn, you don't need to medicate.

Melafix won't hurt, no, but it doesn't really do anything that clean water wouldn't either.

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