My guppies Dies!!!!!


New Member
Mar 21, 2005
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My guppies dies!!!! I dunno y??? Plz HELP!!!

:-( I'm so sad! I juz bought my guppies last 3 days~ Those females dies One by one n day by day!

Can Someone plz help??
Well firstly can you give us any info like water stats, strange behavior/symptoms before death, other tank occupants and numbers/size of tank etc?
If they are dying its most likely your tank,

Make sure you:

-Have your tank cycled (1-2 weeks before you add fish)
-Your filter is working properly and you do weekly water changes while syphoning food and whatnot off the bottom
-Maybe you havent introduced your fish to your tank properly (Ill explain that @ the end of the post)
-Or possibly they are bought from a bad breeder or fish store

To introduce your fish to the aqaurium

- Bring a styrafoam box with styrafoam cheese curls in it to reduce movement and place the fish carefully inside after purchasing the fish in the store.
-Then make sure you take them right home to reduce the stress and loss of oxygen. make it dark but have the slightest bit of light
-When introducing the fish to the tank, float the bag in the aqaurium for about 20 mins so they get used to the temperature. Then open the bag and take a small amount of your tank water and place it in. Continue floating the bag for about another 10-15 min.
-Then, slowly pour your fish into the tank and again, make sure there is little light as possible
-Allow the fish to stay in the tank with no light for about 5 hours or so, then with dim lighting, place some food in the tank and allow the fish to eat.

Whala there you have it.
I agree pleae post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, how long has the tank been set up, till you answer these questions nobody can help you.
Now the tanks are ok.
I had gone to the fish shop to get plants for them.

The problem now is, that day i had bought 3 female.
2 of them are obviously pregnant! (Now is not the fish who stressed. It me!!! :crazy: )
N the other one i suspect that it is pregnant too.

I have no ideas on upload pic for u guys to c~ Can u guys teach me too??


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