My Guppies Are Giving Birth ? Plus Siamese Twins


Fish Fanatic
Aug 19, 2008
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Hi all...

I went out today and bought some nice guppies, i got 3 females and 1 male.. when i got home and was about to float the bag i noticed a single tiny fry and thought the man at the fish shop must have scooped one up when he caught the fish, however when i looked again a minute later there was two, i had to look again to be sure and thought there must have been two to begin with but i missed it as it was so small :hyper: however when i looked again about 5 mins later there was 3 so i then knew then that it was my fish that was giving birth so i rang the local pet shop to find out if they had any breeding nets and went out to get one straight away and left the bags floating. When i got there i decided a trap would be better as all 3 females seem big and have dark bellies, so iu went home with my trap and had 4 babies..

6 hours later i have 13 babies at the bottom of the trap and my new mum has just given birth to siamese twins :unsure: the only way i can think of describing it as is two heads stuck together (both of which are currently alive) but there is a tiny amount of body and no tail :-( so not sure how long i will have it for.. its a shame really
Wow, Your bloody lucky! I'd sell my soul for a guppy that is pregnant when i buy it.
Unfortuanly this one cant swim though its stuck on the bottom of the trap.. it does move around but only by bouncing a little.. I will be very happy if it does survive.. I now have 20 babies :hyper:
Most livebearers when bought are pregnant, i always pick the heavy pregnant ones when buying them, even had the drop fry in the bag on my way home :lol:
i just cant get mine to drop!!

they look so close lol

that siamese one will probs die if it cant swim, it will be the runt who gets the food last.. it will be worse if you have sharp gravel it has to bounce around on :p poor thing
can i see a pic of the siamese

my fish had 7 fry today i never even knew it was pregnant

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