I have had my fish and tank set up for 3 weeks. My guppies are dying fast. The symptoms they are showing are: Unusual swimming (all of a sudden quicker than over night) I have tried partial and full water changes, changes in diet, isolation, melafix, and today as a last resort I have isolated a sick one in bottles spring water with a few drops of aquasafe and bettafix with a heater set to 78. This paticular fishes appetite seems small and her stomach looks caved in leading me to believe it may be TB but she shows no other signs of the disease. 2 weeks ago we were losing a fish per day. I did a complete water change. Things went well for a week but now I have lost one african dwarf frog and 2 fish plus one obviously ill in 3 days. I had my water tested and levels of everything are are in the normal range. I have turned up the temperature to 79 thinking it may help but it does not seem to matter. I do not want to add more guppies until I have figured out the problem. Some of the females are gravid and due anytime now. I would like to prevent problems to the fry. Any Ideas on what can be happening? One last thing as the fish near death (usually less than 2 hours after symptoms appear) the gills look like they are over exerting even in fresh water.