My Guppie Got Sucked Up Into My Filter


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Feb 17, 2012
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We recently bought an AquaClear filter for our fish tank & the holes at the bottom of the tube were so large it sucked up one of our small guppies. I'm not sure if it got sucked up all of the way or not, but the tail fin is destroyed & it looks like his body is swollen & deformed now. Is there a way to get his tail to grow back ? He can still swim but it doesn't look very easy for him. Is there any kind of medicine I should put in the water to keep it from getting infected ? Please help me out ! His tail use to be bright orange & his body bright blue.


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I would add some melafix it'll help heal any wounds and get the tissue and fin regeneration going.
The fish ended up dying, but we think that our chinese algae eater has been the reason for our fish dying. We had a sword tail randomly die, & we JUST had a betta die. He was missing a fin & he had a white spot on his body. We are definitely getting rid of that fish.
Yep, they'll do that. I had one that was perfectly peaceful until he became an adolescent, then nothing was safe. Sorry for your losses.

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