My Guinea Pig Is Gone...


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
My guinea pig, Double D just passed today. :-( I personally don't think he was too old, he was only 2 1/2. I don't understand, he had a cold and something called anal impaction, but that was two weeks ago, then it came back, just yesterday, so I did the same exact things, but he didn't seem any better. He could hardly hold his head up. I had my mom take him to the animal E.R. today (none were open by my house, and it was 1 A.M. and the closest one was like 5 hours away). But as she was talking to the vet, he must've gave out in her hands. I wish I could've been there. He was always healthy, I don't know what went wrong. I love him so much. Here's a picture of him:

Good-Bye Double D :-(
Its always tough when we lose a pet, I used to have a guinea pig called Lennon and he died about the same age but Im not sure how long they normally live.....sorry man.
Sorry for your loss, R.I.P.
Sorry about your loss :(

I know that sometimes things seem rough, but they only make you stronger person :flowers: Remember all the great times you had with Double D.

Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life
and repeat to yourself, the most comforting words of all;
This, too, shall pass.

-Ann Landers
I am sorry to hear about your little guniea pig. I lost mine after I had her for 5 years it broke me heart. I still think about her...
Aww im really sorry you lost your little squeeker. I lost two this year, the oldest was 4 and the female was only about the same age as yours.
I have 1 left and he is such a sweetie.
He looks a lovely pig too, just remember him as he was. RIP little fella.
Thats sad, OA, but nice pic with him.
Giunnies are cool little creatures...My parents would never klet me have another animal...
I Have to not buy a single fish thing (except food) for atleast 6 months before my parents'll even consider letting me have another pet.
Plus I dont have alot of room left in my room..

The average age for a guinea pig is 5 years but i have had one live to be 7 and a half. They are really sensitive and tend to just give up when they get poorly. I had one die before he even had anaesthetic for his op, they just shaved his belly and he died. Rats on the other hand will live through most things. I had one have a mammary tumour removed and she had stitches from her bum to her neck and pulled through fine.

I lost one of my piggies 3 weeks ago and she was only 4 years and a month old, she was a rex (what americans call teddys) and they supposedly don't live as long as the usual short haired ones do. Now i only have 4 which is the fewest i have had for years. I had 15 at one point when i bought 2 pregnant ones and got 5 free, now i'm down to the last baby born at my house and she will be 5 on 11 the feb.

My hamster died a week after the piggie but she was ancient she was at least 3 and a half and was starting to go bald, the average age for a hamster is 2 and a half.

I also had my rabbit die on bonfire night and he was only 3 and a half, rabbits can live to be teenagers but my oldest lived to be 11. He probably died from the stress of all the fireworks as he was so stressed, even though his cage was in the shed and stuffed full of hay.

I notice at my house that pets tend to die in 3s

Sorry for your loss.

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