My Grumpy Old Man Has A Crinkly Tail


Fish Fanatic
Mar 13, 2006
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
My old boy Zoot has had a crinkly dorsal, caudal and anal fin for a couple of months, ever since he battled velvet. He's not losing fin as such, so I don't think it's fin rot, and it's been this way for months and it hasn't receded any. I've been keeping his water pristine and he always has aquarium salt in his water.

Anyone have any suggestions to get him ironed out? :sly:


Good food and clean water. I also heard placing the tank in natural sunlight for a bit helps, not too long though or you'll end up with algae and what not.

The gravel in his tank look like easter eggs lol.
my 2 oldest boys tails are like that I just assume it is like me getting grey hairs! :good:
I think it just has to do with him being old, like liz said. I have an oooold boy (around 3 years old I'd say) and he split his tail flaring at another betta... I'm assuming, anyway, because I don't know how else it would have happened. That happened months ago and his tail still hasn't healed back one bit despite some Melafix, clean water, and time.
I've read that it can mean that at some stage they've lived in dirty water. I'm going to try giving Zoot a bit of extra natural sunlight everyday and maybe up the amount of live foods he eats. Otherwise he doesn't seem bothered by his crimped fins so I guess I'll just leave him be :p
:good: I wouldnt treat mine unless they need it. Dont fix it unless it is broke is my motto!
Yes like people don't take drugs 'just in case'. It stresses fish out, which can lead to even more problems. Maybe half dose as a precaution, or get a uv steriliser or an ozoniser. That'd be good! :)

Yes like people don't take drugs 'just in case'. It stresses fish out, which can lead to even more problems. Maybe half dose as a precaution, or get a uv steriliser or an ozoniser. That'd be good! :)
My betta also had that problem. I thought it was fin rot... but it doesn't seem to be.

His fins are also kind of getting a "crowntail edge", you know what I mean? As though he's a crowntail, but just at the very tips... kind of fringey.

He's a pet store betta, veiltail, looks a lot like that one too, but he's more dark blue.
One of mine has the same thing. He's had it to a small degree since I got him. But it has gotten a little worse in the last two weeks. But I also keep him in super clean water with aquariam salt all the time. *shrugs* I guess I'm doing everything I can. :/
I think in most cases its something from a previous home, but it doesn't sound like it in your case, since you're saying it started after some Velvet? If its not bothering him you could just leave it be. IMO its probably just scarred from the way the fin healed... example, you sin your knee riding a bike and since its a spot where your skin constantly moves while walking, when the scab starts healing it gets puckered / wrinked... his tail end has scar tissue there and so is a bit puckered. ^_^
Ahhh.. mine came from a lps, so maybe he is healing from bad water conditions?

That's my best guess so far anyway. At least he's not in danger. He's a happy fishy! Just looks a little funny.
My Curly has crinkled edges and he's had them since I got him. He was young when i got him too but it was from a store I wouldn't normally but fish from so it is possible bad conditions caused it. It's never gone away either, but it doesn't bother him at all. Ollies also has a small amount since he ripped his tail way back and it grew back....too much! So it looks as though there's an extra bit of tail rather then growing back correctly. Again, it doesn't bother or impede him so bygones. It's not like I'm planning on showing them. :lol: I love them just the way they are.

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