My Green Wrasse Has Gone Blind


New Member
Jul 10, 2010
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Not sure if anyone else has ever had this happen but our Green Wrasse seems to have gone blind. He is in a 65 gal tank with a few other fish and it has always been a friendly community. He was always a great eater and swimming throughout the tank and live rock. About 2 weeks ago he took to staying in one corner. He comes out at feeding time but only swims around mouthing. He used to be able to catch the smallest pieces of food and now it appears he can't see anything anymore. I have been putting a chunk of food in his corner for him while I feed the other fish. he senses that it's there and then when he finds it, he devours it. Has anyone ever had an active fish like this go blind before? Am I caring for him properly? Is there anything else that I can do? His eyes appear clear and the water is in great condition.
:hi: to TFF and the salty side

That sounds a great shame, can you tell us a bit about your tank, its stock and history please and we would love to see a photo of the tank

Seffie x
:hi: to TFF and the salty side

That sounds a great shame, can you tell us a bit about your tank, its stock and history please and we would love to see a photo of the tank

Seffie x

His tank mates are a Hippo Tang and 2 Blue Devil Damsels plus a few hermit crabs. The Hippo Tang and Wrasse were great tank mates together for 5 years. They were the only ones in there with a puffer, who passed away from old age about 2 years ago. The Damsels were added about a year ago and never have casued an issue. There were originally 5 of them but these 2 are all that's left in the past 6 months or so and everyone seems to cohabitate well. Temp is 80 degress and salt level is 1.023, which should be normal. We have live rock in there with plenty of hiding places. The Wrasse has clear eyes but it's obvious that he can't see me when I am in front of the tank. When I put my hand to the glass near him, he does know that I am there. They all know the sounds that I make when I feed them
What are the other water params, like nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, pH, etc.? Also that tank's too small for that tang, they can grow to be pretty big.

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