My grandmother sevearly overpopulated tank


Big fish
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
Anchorage Alaska
2 gallons
set up for 2 months
Temp ~70
(25% water change every 3-4 days) with aged water

2 Femal Gupys with 20 fry (4-1/2 inch 16-new born)
1 White Cloud
25 MTS from ---- to --
1 ghost shrimp (just added to help clean up the gunk)

Okay I know it is way overstocked and she cant help but overfeed them and she doesn't know what to do with the fry (she doesn't want to euthanise or buy a new tank) Well 3 days ago she lost her male guppy (he was happy but then she found him in the filter intake the next morning) and last night a huge fungus grew across the substrate and filter and fake plant It looks like dust bunnys also the very pregnant guppy has a small wound next to her opening.

Other than fixing the maintainance problems and useing melafix what else would you suggest that I do.


she needs a new tank, or see if you can take the fry off her hands.
that tank could hold the 2 females, but thats about it.when is her birthday, you could get her a bigger
I keep telling her not to feed them for a week and half the fry will be gone but she wont do it.

but the real question is what to use to get rid of the fungus.

I'd get rid of the fry first - could you take them? Maybe the melafix will help to condition the water but I've never had fungus like that in a tank. I'd manually remove what you can just to clear it up a bit. Best of luck.

The fry seems to be your biggest problem right now. it is very hard to get a overstocked tank in a good condition.
remove the extra fish and you see most problem will resolve themself with normal water changes.
hiya, well it sounds like the fungas/algae has started from having to many fish in the tank, but u cud try doing a sustrate clean, with with 1 that will also do a water change, or just 1 that sucks up the algae.

theres also the option that u cud just rub the algae off of the substrate with ur hands? its sumthing i do from time to time with my lil glass ornaments.

u sud try telling her that the entire population of her tank will die if she keeps over feeding. thats how i managed to get my mum to stop over feeding hers.

because the fry are so young, the shop probbabilly wont take them off of u. is there not a friend who has space for them ?

best of luck!
I am not sure where your from, but you can buy a 1 gallon tank around her for 8 bucks. You could always take the fry home with you put them in there and when they get a little larger ask the lfs to take them. I am surprised there hasn't been more fatalities then that. It is such a tiny tank for so many fish.

Good Luck

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