My gourami is dying


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca
I noticed the last couple days my dwarf red gourami has not been eating and is lethargic. I checked chemical levels: 0 Ammonia and Nitrite, PH 8 (this is normal). I did a water change 2 days ago and again today. I usually do about a 10% water change once or twice a week. Today I think he is a goner, he is kind of laying on a rock then goes crazy swimming is circles thrashing about, then lays on the ground again. I have pretty much accepted that he is going to die, but if anyone has ideas about what to do....
He seems to have a bit of a swollen stomach, but no spots or fungus or lop-sided swimming until just tonight.
None of the other fish in the tank seem to be affected at all and are acting normal. Should I be worried about them as well?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

20 gallon 1 candy striped pleco, 1 dwarf blue gourami, one dwarf red gourami, 9 platy (2 adults, 2-4 month, 3-1 month), golden algae eater.
I'm sorry for your loss.
It was likely an internal bacterial infection. Watch your other fish very closely - especialy the other gourami. Dwarf gouramies are mass-produced and inbred so their immune systems are weaker and they get sick and die rather easily.
The golden algae eater will grow to 10 inches and suck eyeballs/eat your other fish - just in case you didn't know this...
yeh Mine died over night i found him in the moring spining in the water where the filter water was spining him around I flushed him so he could go in to the sea and get eat by another fish.
He was dead when you flushed him.
I sure hope it was... BTW, what's a greyshark?
Thanks for the sympathy
The other gourami looks ok for now, but I am watching him. Yeah I know that about the golden algae eater, but I bought him before I learned the info when I first got my tank and didn't know. I am keeping an eye on him, and he hasn't become aggressive..yet. What do I do with him if he does? Maybe I can take him back.

So how do fish get internal parasites? Is there something I can do/not do or is it just random?
If they have internal parasites, the fish will do long stringy white poo, there is a med in the US called clout and other one's for internal parasites.
I didn't say parasites actualy - I said internal bacteria. You'll need some kind of anti-internal bacteria med or antibiotic.

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