my goldfish


Jun 17, 2003
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Feltham - London
Me again.....ive recntly posted about my gold being ill they have perked up but i have noticed on my shubumkin and comet that on there tails are tiny white spots on it this white spot? could do with some advice before treating it.
id advise taking a peek at this site that big fish mensioned fish doc and in particular look here for some more info on white spot it sounds like it might be the initial signs of whitespot. there is a treatment you can buy from your loacal fish shop. it might be worth having a close look at what you have and treating the fish away from the other fish in a quarantine or hospital tank.
i'm in despare ......... :crazy: i looked up on the net about the symptons of my poor fish and i'm not sure if its white spot ir ick now i'll decribe it the tails have white spots all over it and it looks like there all infected there tails are fraying aswell and its only been going on since monday so finrot is on the list to i'll try and post a pic :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
if it looks like little salt crystals it is ich (whitespot and ich are the same thing) and fin rot too. your having a tough time m8.
pulling my hair out .....its a let down cause i thought i was doing everything right...and this is the first time they have all been ill together and there normaly a lively should i get the treament for white spot then? and thanks
I would definatly begin treatment for white spot, being cautios of which meds you get. if you have any scaleless fish in the tnak, be sure to get a treatment that is safe for them. it will say on the container if it is afe for scaleless fish. I prefer Rid Ich+ by kordon
i think the furture is bleak for my fish they look terrible and i can't see them getting better....thanks to everyone for the help they gave me,...... but ive dosed them up and there has been no change today ...i'm gutted
I think the normal time length for treatment of ich is 15 days, but may vary depending on your medication you are using. Here is a quick rundown of the life cycle of the parasite.

The visable stages of Ich are carried out within the host fishes' skin. The first stages are called trophozoites and are highly resistant to drug therapy. Trophozoites mature into trophonts and leave the host, falling to the bottom of the aquarium or pond.These mature trophonts release from 200 to 1,000 tomites. These tomites move about looking for a host, which they must find within 2 to 3 days at 75° F (24° C) or they will die. Cooler temperatures will lengthen this time. It is this free swimming stage that is most vulnerable to treatment. It is important to note that these intermediate stages may also attach themselves to plants and be accidentally introduced into an aquaruim or pond along with the new plants. Once the tomite attaches to the host, it matures and the cycle begins anew.

Just keep up the dosage and in a few weeks they will be back to normal.
Thanks......I'm glad thers some light at the end of the tunnel but when you see them that poorly you think there is no hope......I will let everyone know how they get on . And thanks alot to all those who helped me
would it be a good idea to move the fish into another tank?....just wondering if it would help them get better sooner.
if they are all affected then its best to treat the tank they are in. if its only 1 or 2 then you can move them to a quarantine tank.
lost my comet this evening :( ...i just hope it ain't the start of something....the weird thing was she was the lively one through all this

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