My Goldfish Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2008
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In addition to my tropical tank, I also have a 55 gallon goldfish tank that I wanted to show everyone :)
I've been keeping goldies for years and this is the best set up I've ever had. It's has a black demekin, a pearlscale, and my latest additon, an orange ranchu. I allow at least 10 gallons per fish so I doubt I'll be adding any others. There are 2 large aquaclear filters and a few plants, so far the lacey java fern is the only thing I've found that the little buggers don't eat! I also have gone barebottom with just riverstones, this has really brought the nitrates under control and I'm beginning to like how it looks! I think all I have left to get is a few more plants and maybe a background (sorry the pic is a bit out of focus)

nice set up

i have 3 fantails and they live year round in the pond. the largest is huge...shes called calypso and is a calico. her body length must be 6 inches and girth the same, maybe more. shes the first to come up to feed and rules the pond. they got through the last winter ok and im hoping the same this year.
nice set up

i have 3 fantails and they live year round in the pond. the largest is huge...shes called calypso and is a calico. her body length must be 6 inches and girth the same, maybe more. shes the first to come up to feed and rules the pond. they got through the last winter ok and im hoping the same this year.

Lucky fish! It just gets way too cold here in the winters to have a pond, the poor guys would freeze solid!
I'd love to see a pic of your big girl :) My demekin is getting bigger everyday, I had an oranda reach a massive size last year, I hope he does the same.
well, if i ever get a clear pic i'll post it but i dont have anything to size her off against so you can see how big she is.

and i live in the north of scotland
Cool. I live in eastern Canada. I've seen goldies left in ponds over winter, but people just let them freeze and hope for the best.... :unsure: I'm going to stick to tanks for now!

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