My Goldfish Is Sick Too - Please Help


New Member
Oct 30, 2005
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I have a large common or "feeder" goldish in a ten gallon tank in my kitchen. His body measures about three inches (without tail) and he is about a year old.

He was fine until about two weeks ago, and now he's got dark brown or maybe even black spots behind his gills. Does anyone know the cause? He's also not swimming around as much and doesn't seem to be eating much.

I change his water often, and he seemed healthy and happy before.
How often is often and what filtration are you using?
You need to buy test kits for ammonia, nitrite nitrate and ph to keep an eye on the levels.
At the size your fish is he is in danger of becoming stunted and i think you need to upgrade to a bigger tank with more filtration.
I suspect too its ammonia burns that are healing.
Thanks Black Angel and Wolf for your replies.

I've been looking into purchasing a larger tank, I just haven't found one that is nice, yet affordable. I never planned on spending so much money on a fish! It doesn't have a filtration system, but I change 100% of the water every two weeks, and about 1/5 of the water on a daily basis.

I came upon this fish on accident in the first place. I went to a wedding where the little fish were used as centerpeices, and my mom felt sorry for the little guy at our table, so she brought him home and put him in a small tank. Once he started growing, I felt bad for him and offerred to put him in my ten gallon tank I had sitting in the attic.

I thought it was very cruel that the people used the fish as centerpeices in the first place, but it doesn't sound like I've done too well for the little guy either.
It sounds like you've done the best you can based on your knowledge of goldfish. For now, you definately need to do much more frequent water changes. I would say instead of a bunch of little water changes, which only dilute ammonia and don't take out much, you should consider doing significant (25-50%) changes every day or every other day. (Though I'd double check that with the opinions of others; many people think frequent water changes stress fish, but I've never personally had a problem with it.)
A good place to find a tank would be at a flea market or garage sale. They may require more cleaning, maybe a change of lightbulbs, but they are typically much cheaper than those you would find at a pet store. A 20 gallon long tank shouldn't cost too much if you get the bare essentials; black framed, economy hood, inexpensive brand of filter, etc. My goldfish are currently in a 30 gallon set up (soon to be upgraded) with a bubbler, filter, lighting, substrate, ornaments, etc. and the whole thing only cost me 50 dollars at a flea market in new, unused condition. Not too bad, for the size of the tank.

If you want more info on goldfish care, I have a care sheet I've written up. It is meant to be for people who are new to goldfish, so maybe it will help. Click here to read it. It also has a little link on the bottom to a WONDERFUL web page on goldfish where you can learn about health, nutrition, and care.
Thanks RW. I read your info page, very helpful! I had no idea they had such a long lifespan when properly cared for.

My little guy seems to be feeling better today because his fins are upright and he scarfed down all his food right away! Changing 100% of the water and cleaning the rocks and plants must have helped last night.

I'll make sure I do larger, more frequent water changes.

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