My goldfish Kai, died 2 days ago. I was out dogsitting for 2 days and came back and he was a bit floaty. I assumed it was a swim bladder issue and fasted him then fed him peas. It seemed to get better for a day, then came back. The next day his scaled pineconed. I tried to treat him with antibiotics just in case it was bacterial.. it didn't work. Woke up around 3 and saw him struggling. I didn't have the equipment to put him down and I wasn't about to go shove my beloved fish in ice and call it a night. I said my goodbyes, sat with him for a while and turned off the lights and let it happen. Kai's in my pfp, not only was he my favorite fish, I got him for Christmas, he was a 200 dollar Thai Oranda and I've only had him for 2 months. He would always be the first one to come up to me for food, he was so adorable. Sad things happen, I just needed a place to vent where people would actually care about fish.