My goldfish has passed.


Fish Fanatic
Tank of the Month 🏆
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 16, 2020
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United states
My goldfish Kai, died 2 days ago. I was out dogsitting for 2 days and came back and he was a bit floaty. I assumed it was a swim bladder issue and fasted him then fed him peas. It seemed to get better for a day, then came back. The next day his scaled pineconed. I tried to treat him with antibiotics just in case it was bacterial.. it didn't work. Woke up around 3 and saw him struggling. I didn't have the equipment to put him down and I wasn't about to go shove my beloved fish in ice and call it a night. I said my goodbyes, sat with him for a while and turned off the lights and let it happen. Kai's in my pfp, not only was he my favorite fish, I got him for Christmas, he was a 200 dollar Thai Oranda and I've only had him for 2 months. He would always be the first one to come up to me for food, he was so adorable. Sad things happen, I just needed a place to vent where people would actually care about fish.
I'm so sorry! It's horrible to lose a favourite fish. Very sad to see them struggling, and not be able to help.

I'm sorry for your loss :(
Sorry to hear the fish died. It sucks in so many ways. You paid a lot of money for him and he only lasted 2 months, which makes it worse. And the fish died from dropsy, which isn't a good sign.

At this stage, you should do a big water change and gravel clean the substrate every day for a week. This will dilute most of the disease organisms in the water and hopefully stop any other fish getting sick. Clean the filter too if it hasn't been done in the last 2 weeks.

Maybe avoid buying anymore fish from that place.
Sorry to hear the fish died. It sucks in so many ways. You paid a lot of money for him and he only lasted 2 months, which makes it worse. And the fish died from dropsy, which isn't a good sign.

At this stage, you should do a big water change and gravel clean the substrate every day for a week. This will dilute most of the disease organisms in the water and hopefully stop any other fish getting sick. Clean the filter too if it hasn't been done in the last 2 weeks.

Maybe avoid buying anymore fish from that place.
Yeah. I'll do that. It wasn't the places fault. Something might have happened when I was gone, but it is very sad but things happen.

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