I've got a mature adult male that would be up for grabs...
P&P would be £8 - if you fancy making an offer for the guy
its so hard most places only have stupidly small ones and i already have 3 females!!! my bro has 2 males but he wotn gimme one any good places in leeds that any1 knows of?
I can do you a 5" 10 month old male . Still got a little bit of growing to do but is perfect age for breeding. £6 postage and £6 for the fish. I except Cash sent regestired Paypal (costs nothing to open an account) postal orders Crossed just in case they go walk about in the post. I'm having a bit of a plec clear out at the mo to make way for some new strains for my new breeding efforts.i dont want to swap i just wanna buy 1 male as i have 3 females