My Girlfriend Has Been Tasked To Design A Massive Aquarium


Jan 4, 2010
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London, UK
My girlfriend started working this week for one of the world's biggest interior design companies, based in London, who design homes for the rich and famous.

That's exciting in itself, but her first task is to design two massive aquariums that will be built into the wall of a living room, situated either side of a fireplace.

She'll know what to do, but has said to me it can't hurt to ask for suggestions anyway!

Anyone got any advice? Maybe regarding functionality, ie. ease of water changes/maintenance etc.

Not sure if she has a say in stocking advice etc but still, very cool!
Go to the planted section and in the part above with the pinned articles check out the 14 page Bemouth Tank thread. It is an amazing project for the super rich in Los Angeles. If nothing else it will inspire her. Tom Barr the author also has a website.

How fun for her.
Has she considered doing 1 as planted tropical and the other as marine. Would give the greatest amount of options for stocking. Marine is more expensive but then I assume if they can afford an interior designer, there probably not going to be bothered about the price of Live rock.
tbh I'd Research the setup used by John Allan and Casco systems, i.e. set the tanks up with their own sumps and an auto fill function where they are plumbed into the houses water supply, meaning that water changes are done with a simple turn of a tap.

The sump can also hide all the unsightly heaters etc.
Thanks for the help guys.

Looks like the project she's been put on is roughly the same size as the behemoth tank, but TWO of them!!

wow, sounds excellent! Would love to plant a tank that size!!

I'd Research the setup used by John Allan and Casco systems, i.e. set the tanks up with their own sumps and an auto fill function where they are plumbed into the houses water supply, meaning that water changes are done with a simple turn of a tap

^^i think this will be a must on a tank that size. Good call Dave.
Haha, doubt she'll be planting it, she's purely doing the design! She needs to do a lot of research though, so i've pointed her in the direction of the barr report and CASCO and John Allan, thanks guys.

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