My Girl Nested.


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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My girl is just a wee thing, I don't think she's full grown yet. I keep her bowl next to my boy's bowl. He's got a 1g tall, and she's got a 1g squat. They see each other on occasion, when she's on the far side of the bowl and he's on the far, bottom side of his bowl.


Well, she must like having him around, because she made him a bubble nest. :lol:


Isn't it cute? I guess she just decided to take matters into her own hands.

*Edit: I'm never going to breed them, I just don't think that activity would be enjoyable to me, plus they're VTs.
Awww bless her :wub:

One of my girls did that once, even dropped her eggs and put them in the nest bless her LOL!

I just have to ask, do you usually have a cover on your bowls? Bettas are very good jumpers and I would hate to see those lovely ones turn into a carpet crisp :crazy: Maybe you took the covers off to photograph but I just wanted to make sure :)
Yeah, I noticed some bubbles earlier today, didn't pay it any mind, looked again and saw that it was bigger, and then realized it was a nest. *laugh* I've heard of girls doing this, but my boys rarely bubble nested, so I was surprised to see her do it.

About the top: Yeah, I get that all the time. I normally use the clear cd/dvd that comes in a DVD spool from Costco -- there's one at the start of the spool, and one at the end of the spool. My boy is a horrible swimmer, and an even worse jumper, so I admit I'm not 100% dilgent at replacing the cover when I have reason to remove it (feeding time, etc). I haven't found an appropriate cover for my girl, yet, but the water line is generally about 2" below the curved lip of the bowl, and she's not demonstrated a need to jump yet. While that does sound irresponsible, you can at least take comfort in knowing she's going to be moving her pretty self to a 5 gallon tank once the thing is done fishless cycling, and of course, that is covered...
A note on tank/bowl covers... I used to go without them, and I've never lost a single long-finned male to jumping... but I've never had a female in an uncovered tank that didn't jump eventually. Just a word of warning. I lost 2-3 females in my early days of fishkeeping before I finally learned my lesson, and one of them had been living happily without a problem in an uncovered bowl for about 5 months before jumping.
Tin foil to cover the girls top would work as long as you make sure none is touching the water and you pop a couple holes in it. It also keeps the heat, moisture and humid air in.
Why do you have a betta in such a short tank? Is it temporay? Awesome pics :drool:
Aside from the 5gal thing, I honestly believe that my girl in the squat 1g bowl has more swimming room than my boy in the tall 1g bowl, the horizontal space in the 1g squat bowl has more 'prime swimming space', since bettas enjoy swimming side to side.

I keep my boy in the tall 1g because I'm greedy, I can see him better in there and he flares better in there.
I honestly believe that my girl in the squat 1g bowl has more swimming room than my boy in the tall 1g bowl, the horizontal space in the 1g squat bowl has more 'prime swimming space', since bettas enjoy swimming side to side.

I had that exact same bowl as a backup, actually, until I gave it to my friend to use as her backup bowl. The fish really do have more surface space in it and they don't have to swim as high to reach the top, either; I just find it so hard to SEE them in there! I've been wishing for a while now that I could find something that's a similar style but closer to a two gallon capacity, and maybe with a better viewing surface for my own benefit!

ETA: For a cover on that bowl, I trimmed a piece of plastic craft canvas to fit around the opening and just taped it down at a couple spots around the rim.
The fish really do have more surface space in it and they don't have to swim as high to reach the top, either; I just find it so hard to SEE them in there! I've been wishing for a while now that I could find something that's a similar style but closer to a two gallon capacity, and maybe with a better viewing surface for my own benefit!

Oh, totally. If they made squat 2g bowls, I'd give away all my 1g talls and buy those, instead. Sometimes I kinda feel bad for my male, he seems to have far less room than my female does.

I wish my 5g would cycle already. Fishless cycling is maddening stuff, sometimes.

I actually just bought a gentler filter for my 10g, an AquaClear 20. It's rated at 100gph max, 30gph min. I'm going to run it on my 10g for around 2 weeks and pull out my Whisper Tetra 10i (it's unadjustable, rated at 90gph), so my girl will probably go into my 10g tank once it's done.

:D I know no one cares, but rocks me mightily.

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