this sounds werid so feal free to make fun of me. i noticed my guppy girl was getting way to much attention from the male because she had juts dropped alot of fry ( all eaten ) so i took her out and put her in my female bettas tank. my female betta is pretty friendly, loved my corys and pleco but she wouldn't stop pecking on my guppy female. i got worried considering iv got 2 other female bettas on the way and i can have the going at it. so i left the guppy in the female tank and moved my female betta to a breeder to my guppy tank with the males. i watched her before i went to bed and she was not happy but i thoght nothing of it. i woke up this morning to find the breeder empty, my guppys cowaring in the corner and the female betta juts chillin out with mr. pleco. i put her back in the breeder this morning am she hasn't jumped again so perhaps shes setteling down. does anyone else know any ways to get her used to being with a community?