My gf's female betta


Fish Herder
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada Name: Rich
im at my gf's as im writing this and something weird just happened to me .. she has a 15 gallon tank with assorted fish and 1 happens to be a female betta .. i was bent over the tank looking into the water (open tank no lid) and her female betta jumped up and bit my nose :blink: thats the 1st time ive ever had a fish do that to me .. not that im constanly looking over top of tanks ..... so if your ever examining from above with bettas in the tank wear a nose protector :rofl:
lol bettas are excellent jumpers, if u have them in a bowl or tank with no lid their take every opertunity to jump out. lol but did she accually bite u? or just hit u?
LMFAO :lol: I have said it a million times before, those female bettas are spunky and crazy jumpers. Lol, becareful in the future, it might go for your eye or something :rofl:
she didnt latch on but she gave me a little nip .. its funny watching her during feeding time because we make her jump for her food and she has no problems entertaining us :D
My female actually jumped her cylinder vase when I was trying to breed her and chased my male around. poor Ixion p.q but it was a sight to see...
Lol, that's great. I had a fish that used to do backflips when jumping out of the water (he wasn't a betta though).

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