My German Rams


Fish Crazy
Jan 22, 2006
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My Rams spawned yesterday but I noticed the female has ick? what should I do? I am slowly raising the temp and increasing aeration. But it seems to not be working? I am worried about her, her mate and their eggs?
I've treated ick successfully in the past by using a medication called malachite green. It should not be used with weak and small fish, so i'm not sure if you should add malachite green to the tank with the eggs.
Yes I don't want to move her or add medication to their because of the eggs. So is there any other non-medication way I can do to fix this? Or is it ok to move the female and the male will be a single dad?
I would say screw the eggs, your rams will likey lay again. That is..unless your female's ich goes untreated and she dies. You need to medicate your entire tank, not just take her out and treat her, because ich is in the water and will probably attack your male soon and the eggs/fry since they are so vulnerable.
I agree. Don't worry about the eggs, you need to stop this disease. What are your water stats? I know some people treat with half the dose of meds when they have fry in the tank, so you could try that. However, be aware that this does mean you will have to treat longer.
hhmmmm. I was so exited. I should just screw the eggs? The eggs are white now does that mean they are not good or good?
It looks like her ick has gotten better. She doesn't have as many white spots anymore. I just bought some ick cure, should I just leave it like that tonight to see if I can save both the eggs and the mom? Or should I add the ick cure into the water? And if I want to she if she will get better (since she is). About how long can a fish live with ick? If not too long then I might just have to add the medicine. (I hate using medicine)
I wouldn't start celebrating just quite yet. The ich parasite goes through several different phases, only one is the white cyst on the fish. There is one free swimming stage and another where it is in the gravel. I would definately do a 50% water change and gravel vac as this will hlep remove some of the parasites.

One of the biggst problems with leaving ich untreated is a secondary bacterial infection can set in, which will make everything much harder to treat.
ok. I am going to have to do it after all. T_T why does this happen to me! I hope the next spawn will be successful?! but now I have to worry about helping cure my fish first.

Thanks a lot for your help. please help me more if I run into more trouble with this.
ok the ick is almost gone now but there is a new infection on her. She has finrot now. I am scared to heavly put her under medication? Should I add some finrot medicine along with the ick med.? She is looking horrible.
Can you isolate the fish with the finrot, as it not advisable adding two meds to the tank.
Yeah I isolated her 2 days ago seeing that the male isn't getting sick at all while she got worse. So I added two meds into her isolated tank. with plenty of aeration and temp is about 80 dgrees and I also add salt to help her stress. I hope she make it. she doesn't look too healty.
Good, you have done the right thing, good luck fingers crossed bless her.
UPDATE: So far so good. Her ick is almost gone. There are about 4-6 white spots left. Her finrot is also healing pretty quickly since I put in the fungus meds as soon as I noticed the fin rot. How long do I have to still medicate her when she looks like she is no longer sick?

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