My Furbabies :d


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
Took these the other day and just wanted to share.
I really need to take more day time photos of the pets, but never remember to heh

Only 1 photo of our cat Stewie being silly..... love this photo even if it is blurry hehe

Old dog Bing. Think she's 9? 10? *shrugs*
Her in her favorite spot.. right in front of the fan


Kiwi... she's... uuuhm.... 6 or 7 I think. I can't remember

Them playing outside.... really need to take more outdoor photos of them :D

And my little spoiled pup Cid, or as I always call him Ciddy Bear. He turned 2 in march. Squeeeeeee.. I love him!
((that's the husband in the background))


awwww they are all so sweet, the funny squishy face one with the little toy gets my vote for POTM :)

shelagh xxxxx
I'll second the nom. My pup, dexter used to have that same toy when he was a puppy. What breed of dog is Bing? I think Kiwi is a cute name for a dog, and is she a black lab mix? Btw, do you find that your female dogs are a little bit less cuddly than you male one? Just curious.
All of our dogs are mutts. Bing and Kiwi, no idea what they're mixed with.
Bing was gotten at an animal shelter by my brother and his wife and then eventually given to us.
Kiwi's mother was a little mutt puppy that was abandoned on the side of the road along with a little male dog as well. When she got better, and grew, she got out of the yard and got knocked up. No telling who the culprit was lol. But Kiwi does look like she has lab in her. SOme of the other puppies looked more rottweiler, only 1 came out a light tan color, looked just like a golden retriever puppy, etc etc.

Bing isn't exactly cuddly. She was moved around a lot when she was little, and before we had her, kept outside too much.
Kiwi would be if we gave her more attention and allowed her on the couch with us, but she is an extremely needy dog.. to the point of being just annoying & painful sometimes, as bad as that is to say. You give her attention, and she does this scratch thing where her paw is kinda cupped so the claws just dig right in to you. She's not very smart and even with us telling her no when she starts it, she keeps at it. And if we let her up on the couch with us, she thinks she's a little dog and will try to get in to our laps. Aww sounds cute, until you have a big 70lb dog clawing at you as she squishes your legs.
Our Cid is def the most affectionate dog out of the bunch.
Great dogs!

Bing looks like she's got heeler in her with the coat pattern and the black ears.
I think you're right about Kiwi, a black lab x.

and cid looks like a pure frenchie.
Cid is 2/3 frenchie :D
His mother was half french/boston terrier, father was pure frenchie.

You may be right w/ the heeler. Googling up some photos of some, I can def see the similarities :)

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