My Fry Wont Eat!


New Member
Oct 1, 2008
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Okay so radomly on 10/1 i noticed a little thing hiding behind my buddha in my tank i go OMG IS THAT A BABY and it was, he was the only one left after the rest probally all got eaten
so its been about a week now and he seems to grow everyday but im afraid he doesnt eat anything i give him
Im keeping him in a breeder net box thingie mah bober

Does he just eat off of my plants or does he only really need food when i can let him out of the breeder??????
Any help on fry would be nice too
Thanks so much
Starting the day after my fry are born, I feed 4-5 times a day. I feed a couple of different crushed flakes as well as fresh veggies (pureed). You should be able to see the fry's little belly get enlarged after each feeding and go down in between feeds. If he's noticeably larger every day, I'm sure he is getting something (possibly off of your plants). What are you feeding?
just flakes=/ its what the guy at the store told me to do i couldnt find any baby brine shrimp
The flake food that you give the adults always has some very fine dust after it has benn used for a week. Some of that probably gets into the tank each time you feed the adults so the fry may be eating the very fine bits.

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