my fry are dying


Mar 23, 2003
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I've got around 9 platy fry (sbout 2 months old, but their growth was stunted because they were living in a 4 gallon, so they havent grown at all in the last month) along with 4 adult platies in my 10 gallon.

I put all the platies in last night. The temperature was 78 degrees, the same as their previous home. Overnight, the temp. dropped to 72 degrees, and when I woke up, 3 fry had died.

Now most of the fry are laying on the gravel, and they look like they're about to die. I'm raising the temperature slowly, but what else can I do?

(pH 7.0 ppm, ammonia nitrite both 0 ppm, nitrate 5 ppm)
Hi cutechic

Sorry to hear about the fry but they are very fragile. Sudden swings in temperature can be fatal and stressful to any fish but fry are even more effected. I really don't know what you can do apart from keep a close eye on them. keep up posted.
I looked in the tank this morning when feeding them, and I couldn't see any more dead fry. I don't see how that's possible, because all the fry looked like they were about to die yesterday :dunno: Some were brave enough to come out to eat, so hopefully they'll make it. :) Thanks for the support. I'll post if anything else happens.
Glad to hear it. They were with the others in the 4 gal right? With the warmer temp they should be ok...
Yes, they were.

I found two more dead babies- somehow they're deep in the gravel, not just lying on top. I can't bear to look at them. I think I need to get someone else to take them out for me. I was just trying to help the fry by putting them in a bigger tank, but I've just made things worse :-(

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