My froggies


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
so i went to the store and got some frozen bloodworms, which by the way all my tropical fish and bettas DEVOURED :p but my frogs don't seem interested at all. i'm using a turkey baster and even when i dropped it right by one of them, he just went past it.

maybe they're not hungry? any suggestions ?
I've never fed my frogs bloodworms, but they like those big pellet stapled food, you break them into 4 quarters and give him a quarter every other day. They don't eat a whole lot in my opinion. Make sure he doesn't starve though, I had two that died that way:(
He might need iscolating for bit, while he gets used to the food you are feeding him, if the fish all eat the food before he gets a chance then he might feel too ill to feed at all. Mine liked a little pile of blood worm to "guard" while they ate their fill.
thank you for your reply ! but actually, the (2) froggies are in a tank of their own... i've tried feeding them freeze dried bloodworms, frozen bloodworms, sinking pellets, betta pellets, even fish flakes !! the food just lays there and they go right past it. one froggy even sat there while a bloodworm floated onto his head. he didn't even move !! :p

perhaps i should feed them fish :p j/k
Have you tried live food? mine get frozen blood worm but will only eat them if they appear to be moving. Once they hit the bottom they are ignored. Mine will go for live food straight away.

i wish... :/ every store i've gone to (and i've gone far out of my own area) looks at me like this :blink: when i ask if they sell anything live. maybe if i get one of those kits to hatch my own... something :p ??

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