my froggies :)


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
yesterday i finally got my froggies - 2 adf's from petsmart. for now they are in a 1g (i believe) tank shaped sort of trianglish... it has a tube that runs down the middle with an <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='air pump'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">air pump</a>/airstone bubbling up to the top... and what the box refers to as an 'undergravel filter system'... not quite. it's more like, the tube runs through a bottom grate and i guess the air is supposed to come up through the bottom as well. it's not that fancy, but they needed a home.

anyone who has adf's, could you give me some advice? so far they won't eat... i'm going to get some frozen bloodworms, as i only have the freeze dried kind right now and they won't take to them. also tried a sinking pellet that wuz ignored. they seem fine, but i'm considering taking the whole tube and air pump out so they have more room... do u think that's a bad idea? what do you feed yours?

thanks for any advice !


sorry, i didn't see that section... wasn't sure there was one for froggies. i just posted it here cuz i figured some of you would keep froggies with your bettas.

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